Chapter 3

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((Hellooo guys :3 "I have a gift for you! And- ...

Ta-Da!" *shows them an updated chapter for the story*




Maddie:"Really what?"

Error:"yOu jUsT cOpIeD oNe oF mY lInEs!"

Maddie:"Oh well."

Error:*glitches out in irritation*

S.Sans:"come on error give her a 'brake' she obviously didn't mean to.."

Error:"sHuT uP..yOu dOn'T kNoW wHaT yOu'Re tAlKiNg aBoUt!"


???'s POV

I suddenly jump up awake and frantically look around a bit startled as I realize that I'm still in my lab and feel something warm dripping on my leg and look over at my desk noticing that my coffee mug had been knocked over and all of the coffee had spilled out of it. 'Thank god it wasn't hot anymore..' I think in my head as I sit up and hear my phone go off as I sit up and get my phone out of my pants' pocket to see that someone was calling me and sigh before answering it. "hello?"

Your POV

I wake up from a nightmare as I sit up quickly and start hyperventilating in fear. Moments later, I realize that it was just a dream as I slowly calm down and sigh. I then lay back down after looking at the clock that read '4:30AM' on it and close my eyes as I slowly drift off back into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up and try sitting up but to no avail. I then try to move my hands to wipe the sleep out of my eyes but again, to no avail. Slightly freaking out, I decide to scan my surroundings as I look around and realize that I was an laying on an operating table and was tightly being held down on it. I look around in fear as I notice blood stains all over the flooring of the room--they were my mom's. I then hear an insane laughter from my so called 'father' as he emerges from a dark corner with a psychotic smile on his face as he walks over to me. "Hello my sweet, sweet daughter~ ♡" The mad scientist taunts as he walks even closer towards me until his eyes straight into mine, boring into my very soul making me shiver slightly. "So...Remember what I did to your sweet mother?~ I'm going to do the same to you~" He says as he gives me a wicked and creepy smile before walking over to a machine that produces a special type of syrum that does many different kinds of things to a human being that results in death. He walks back over to me with the syrum in a needle as he was ready and was about to poke me in the arm with a needle. I struggle to break free from the straps holding me down until a feel a slight shock of pain strike me in my arm as my vision then began getting blurry as I continued to struggle out of the straps holding me down. I soon feel my strength weaken as warm tears began forming in my eyes and pouring out. 'I don't want to die..' I thought to myself in the head as I hear the mad scientist laughing in a psychotic voice as he watched me drown in my own sadness. A final tear escapes my eye as everything turns white and I fall unconscious. I then find myself in an area that was nothing but white endless space and begin walking around. After a few moments, I find a blue light and walk over to it. The light was radianting a warm and welcoming heat as I then had the feeling of wanting to touch the light as I reach my hand out and feel it as memories of my past are then being poured into my head continuously making me scream and freak out. After a awhile, it stops and I open my eyes, feeling this burning sensation in my chest and my heart beating at a fast pace as if it could never stop. I was DETERMINED to live as my soul refused to break into pieces as my entire body became shrounded in a bluish aroura and my left eye felt like it was on fire making me cringe slightly in pain. "W-What the devil?!" My 'father' says in a shocked voice as he stared at me in fear. "H-How?! You should be.." He says as his voice begins trailing off as I notice a lever and pull it with this new power that I had somehow obtained using my mind/eyes. The straps then released me almost instantly granting me the access of escape as I get up off of the operating table and run out of the room. I needed to escape, I wanted to escape, I had heard of a famous mountain called Mt.Ebott and have also learned about the ancient folklore and history of it. Apparently who ever climbs up the mountain are doomed to never return. I was curious what they meant by that and decided to run to my room, gather a few of my belongings and run like hell out of the lab house thing and set my mind on one location, Mt.Ebott.

I soon make it to the famous Mt.Ebott and begin hiking up the moutain which was suprisingly easy to climb as I soon arrive at the very top of the mountain only to find a gigantic hole at the top of it. I feel a shiver go down my spine as goosebumps begin appearing on my arms from just thinking about what could be down there. I shake the thoughts out of my head and gain a confident expression on my face, I was DETERMINED to jump down this hole and make it back to the surface after some time. I close my eyes for a second as I clear my mind before jumping down the hole which seemed to be endless and not only that, but it was also dark. I felt like the fall was never going to end as I begin feeling like an idiot actually believing that there was actualy something down here. The fall stops as I hit my head on something hard as I then fall unconscious.

((I'll update the next chapter for this story soon guys :3

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