Flowey And Toriel

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((Just a little note for you guys..I'm not sure that for Sciencetale all the characters still act like Undertale characters so I'm going to just add this one part where you/The Reader meets a certain little evil flower and a loving goat mother..next chapter though I'm hoping that I'll be able to write where the Reader meets Sci and I don't end up being lazy with this chapter xD and like always..



Your POV (of course :p)

I regain consciousness as I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm still alive as I sit up and feel really dizzy all of a sudden as I look around me to see that I had fallen on a bed of golden flowers. I then realize that if those flowers hadn't been there to cushion the fall then I'd be dead. I then notice some blood on some of the flowers which was pressumed to be where my head probably landed since I can feel my head bleed without having to even check as my legs were all scratched and bruised up from the hard landing of the fall. I weakly stood up, thankful that the fall didn't break my legs as I begin walking a good distance away from where the bed of golden flowers was in which that I landed on as a golden flower with a face on it came into view. "Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!" The flower says in a 'trying-to-be-friendly-voice' as he had a very creepy and fake happy smile. The flower continues talking to me giving me a few goosebumps at how creepy it is until it then starts talking about something called 'LOVE' and what it is or how to get it. The next thing I know I'm being attacked by the evil flower as he kept throwing what he calls 'friendliness pellets' but in my opinion they are NOT friendly I mean who the heck introduces themselves to someone then tries to hurt them physically?! He keeps firing all of his little pellet attacks at me which I dodge easily until he gets fed up with it all and grabs onto my legs with his vines and holds me down with them to where I can't even move a muscle as he then hits me with his pellet attacks making a health bar flash in front of me reading 'Hp: 1/20' as he readies his final attack which is a circle of pellets around me that are inescapable as I slowly start to give in and lose hope that I'd have any chance of surviving until, as if luck is on my side or maybe an angel is watching over me, a fireball was thrown by someone and hit flowey as it then sent him flying somewhere and burning the vines that were holding me down as they quickly turn into what looked like ash and I could hear angry growls behind me which I assumed was Flowey. I start looking around for my savior who so kindly came to me to help when I needed it most. I see a woman dressed in what looked like a purple dress come into view she walked towards me. "Hello my child, I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins." Toriel greets as we then start chatting and introducing each other for a few minutes. Toriel then guides me through the ruins kindly and lets me stay with her at her cute little house that's at the end of the ruins. ((Meh..I'm way too lazy to add dialogue so this is probably really boring to read xD)) Toriel shows me to my room and walks around with me inside, explaining how to use some things in the room since they were really old. After that the two of us head to the living room ((Or whatever it is xD)) where she gives me a slice of butterscotch cinnamon pie and read stories together since I was bored and had nothing else to do but that. After reading the final story book together, she tucked me in bed like a normal human mother would do to her children. I smile slightly as I slowly begin to fall asleep.

What seemed like a neverending slumber slowly fades away as I slowly open my eyes, hearing the beautiful sound of the birds singing as I sit up and stretch a little. Moments later, an uplifting and delicious aroma filled the air as I get out of bed and throw my dayclothes from yesterday on since Toriel let me borrow one of her T-shirts to sleep in, it was crazy large and I'm not even sure what size it was but all I know is that it covered up everything that it needed to. I walk out of the room and let the delicious smell guide me to the kitchen as I see Toriel cooking breakfast for the of us or maybe just me. Toriel notices me behind her and turns around to face me with a warm welcoming smile. "Hello my child! How did you sleep?" She asks me in a kind and cheery voice as turns around to flip the egg omelet that she was making for me then turns back around to focus all of her attention to me for a few moments. ((I honestly don't know what you guys like so if ya don't like Omelets then just think of her making pancakes or frenchtoast or something Idk \_('-')_/ ))

"Pretty good.." I answer with a small yawn as Toriel finishes making breakfast for the two of us as she then places the food on two plates and guides me to the small table where we sit down across from each other, happily eating our breakfast together. "Are you sure?" Toriel asks jokingly with a small smile on her face making me giggle a little at her. "Yeah!" "Then why did you yawn?" Toriel says with a small smirk making me pout slightly. "Uh..because..maybe I needed more sleep?" I reply to her as her expression changes almost instantly into a frown as she looks at me worriedly. "Child..how were you raised on the surface?" Toriel questions worriedly and curiously making me almost choke on my food from the sudden question before I look down at the floor. "I...I rather not explain it.." I say quietly as I finish eating my food and I can feel Toriel's worried eyes staring down at me soften a bit as she refrains herself from staring at me any longer. "I'm sorry..I should of known that it might of been a touchy subject.." Toriel says quiety in the form of an apology. "No..It's alright." I reply with a small smile on my face as I look up at her. "A-Alright..if you insist." Toriel says, returning the small smile gesture.

Time passes by as we were reading stories together and learning new things about each other's races by sharing information about how the surface is and the underground, which is where I am. Moments later I begin wondering if there is more outside of the Ruins and if so, then what is there? I become so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice or realize that Toriel had been calling my name for a million times until I feel a soft furry and warm hand on my shoulder making me snap out of my thoughts and look up to see a worried goat mom. "Child? Are you alright?" Toriel asks with an extremely worried expression on her face. "Y-Yeah..just..was thinking about something.." I reply to her quietly as she places her other hand on my other shoulder. "What is it that you were thinking about? You can tell me anything and I promise it will be alright." She says calmly and sweetly with a hint of seriousness in her voice as she looks into my eyes quietly. "Nothing..I just..want to leave the ruins..I want to explore this new area or whatever I should call it around..I want to try and meet as many monsters as I can and possibly make friends with them." I say truthfully to her as I notice her eyes grow wide with fear and..sorrow? "I understand..the ruins are quite small and get boring after some time..I want to let you go and live your dream to explore the underground..but I'm afraid..I'm afraid that if I let you go; you'll end up like everyone else before you.." Toriel says as her eyes begin to fill up with warm tears that are threatening to fall. "It's so lonely here.." She says quietly as my lips curve downwards, forming a frown as I embrace her in a warm hug. "It's alright Mom..I promise you I'll be ok..and that I'll make peace with all monster kind..I'll make a change and let everyone live on the surface." I say in a waming and calm voice as Toriel's tears stop crawling down her cheeks and forming in her eyes while the two of us hug in silence before she lets go of me and gives me a warm smile. "I really hope that you will.." Toriel says with a smile as she stands up and extends her hand out for me to grab. "Come..I shall guide you to the exit of the ruins." She says with the warm smile still plastered on her face as i grab her hand and she helps me up to my feet as we then begin walking towards a staircase that lead to a basement. 'I didn't know that Toriel had a basement..' I say in my head as we begin walking down the staircase and arrive in a long purple floored corridor. Toriel walks with me in silence for what seemed like forever as the corridor ends and a large (or maybe bigger than large) purple door with the same symbol that's on Toriel's dress on it. "Through these doors is the outside of the Ruins..Please, my child..be careful." Toriel says with a small smile before hugging me one last time and walking away back to her house. I take a deep breath as I can feel determination coming to a boil in my soul making me smile determindly as I place my hands on the doors and push them open and walk through them after they were opened enough for me to do so.

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