The Scientist

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((Guys..I don't know which name Science Sans should be named in the story xD please tell me in the comments below if you think he should be named just Sans or Sci xD cuz your favorite author-chan is an idiot and can't make up her mind xDDD))

???'s POV

"S-Sir! S-Sir please wake up!"

I slowly wake up to see my one of my fellow workers looking at me worriedly with fear evident in her eyes. "What is it? can't ya see i'm trying to nap here?"
I reply tiredly with a hint of irritation in my voice.

"T-There's a h-human h-here!" She replies to me in a scared voice making my eyes widen. "What?! are you serious??!!" I ask her seriously in slight disbelief. "Y-Yes! T-They're o-on my s-screen!" I narrow my eyes slightly at her as if she's joking since no human would possibly be stupid enough to fall down here and besides that..they would have to get through the ruins to get here. "Show me!" I yell slightly at the yellow lizard making jump slightly with a small squeak. "Y-Yes sir!" She says as she grabs my hand and guides me to her little computer monitor screen thing where a young human girl is shown walking through the cold blizzard. 'She's gonna die out there from hyperthermia without a coat on..' I think in my head as I stare at her through the screen for a few moments until I'm interrupted by the yellow lizard scientist. "S-Sir..w-what do we do?" She asks me while biting her nails as a sign of nervousness and fear as I remain silent for a few moments. That's when it hit me, I needed to pick up my little brother from school and saftely get him home! and possibly get information from this human while I'm I'm at it since I used to work with Undyne at a sentry post that's close to where the human is right now. "S-Sir?" "I have to go..I'm taking the rest of today off by the way so take over for me would ya?" I say to the yellow lizard scientist as I begin walking away and quickly teleport before she has the chance to turn around and protest.

I arrive in front of my younger brother's school only to find him being bullied by a few other kids around his age. ((Yes, I know that there isn't a freaking school in the underground but just..Just imagine that there is Ok? :3 Ok good to have an understanding! xD)) Like any brother should do, I walked over to the group of kids who were terrorizing poor little Pap as I lift Papyrus up with my magic and set him down on the ground gently beside me then make a cage surrounding all of the bullies with some simple bone attacks. "Listen up kiddos..If ya wanna bully and mess with my brother.." I start as my eyes turn pitch black. "Y O U A R E R E A L L Y N O T G O N N A W A N T T O K N O W W H A T H A P P E N S N E X T." I finish as the mean little brats where now trembling in fear, hell even one of them was crying like a baby making my smile normally permanent smile widen to a more creepy one. "Good, glad we could have this talk.." I say as I then remove the bone cage and look at them with my left eye glowing a bright blueish green. "Now scram!!" I yell as they all run without saying anything in refusal. "B-Brother.." I look over at Papyrus and smile as I scoop him up off the ground and hold him. "There,There's gonna be alright." I say as a small wam smile forms on my face which seems to send Papyrus to the brink of tears as he begins to cry like crazy, as all of his tears begin landing on the red scarf that our mother, Arial gave to him. "Come on Pap..wouldn't want to ruin mom's gift now would ya?" I say with a small smile as I hold him securely to make him feel more safe. "N-No.." He replies with a slight smile as he lays his head on my shoulder and slowly falls asleep. I smile and teleport the two of us back to our house then lay Pap down in his race car bed and head to where the human was last spotted as I find her unconscious body laying in the cold snow.

Your POV

Once I had made it through the exit doors of the ruins, I began walking in the cold deep snow as I fought the howling blizzard, regretting the fact that I didn't bring a jacket with me when I decided to hike Mt.Ebott. I suddenly feel dizzy as my vision begins clouding as I fall unconscious and everything goes black.

Hours later, I wake up on a bed from a nightmare as I breath heavily, terrified of what I had just seen in my dream as I sit up and begin to analyze the area that I'm in. The area that I had been in looked like an old laboratory as there were numerous beds scattered around me, some messy, some with bloodstains, and some that were freshly made and clean. I was thankful that the bed I had been sleeping in for who knows how long wasn't stained or messy. I get up out of bed and make the bed I was in because I rather not be impolite and leave it messy like the way it was when I woke up. I begin walking through the lab, exploring every little room it had in it until I heard what sounded like an elevator door opening and footsteps. 'That must be the person who brought me here..' I say to myself in the head before quickly dashing back over to the bed I was laying in and sit down on the foot of it. Moments later, a skeleton wearing a white lab coat comes into view as he comes walking into the infirmary like room that I wad in with a bowl of soup in his hands as he walks over to me and hands me the soup which I gladly except. "So you're awake I see.." The skeleton says quietly as he seemd to have an expression that said 'I-hope-the-soup-tastes-alright' on his face. I hum happily in response as I eat the surprisingly delicious soup as I started feeling better and not so cold as I was when I first woke up.

Sci's POV

After I had gotten the human back to the lab safely, I layed her down gently on one of the extra beds and teleported to my house where I made some soup for her since I figured that she would wake up that she would be hungry besides cold. I then went back tomthe lab with the freshly hot soup in my hands as I walked to the room where I had left her in to sleep. I was shocked when I found her awake as I noticed her examining the area she had been in with a curious expression on her face. "So..tell me..why are you here?" I ask her in a serious tone as I had this sudden burning feeling within me that was telling me to protect her rather than to use her soul to break the barrier..she somehow gave me hope. "Hm?" She hummed in response as she looked at me curiously before swallowing her bite of food. "Well..if you really want to know.." She starts as she looks down at the ground, a frown forming on her lips as her weird cat like ears went down showing that she was obviously depressed or saddened about something. "I-I ran away from home.." She finishes as her eyes slowly start forming tears making my eyes grow wide with shock. "U-Um..T-Then what's your name?" I ask her, stuttering a bit as I was getting a bit nervous since I thought I'm the one who made her cry. "My name is Y/N.." She replies quietly, finishing her soup as I think about her name for a second, making sure to remember it before a small smile forms on my face as I extend my hand out for her to shake. "Well..It's nice to meet you Y/n..I'm Sans..Sans the skeleton." I reply to her with a small grin as she shakes my hand in response with a small smile. "Nice to meet you too Sans!" She exclaims cheerfully as we then begin talking about each other's past as we seemed to feel more comfortable with talking with eachother, heck we might have even become good friends.

((Next chapter will be updated later or whenever :p Hope you enjoyed it!~))

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