Giving head

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The man was laying on my couch with the bag against his head and was staring at me with a sexy smirk on his lips.

I moved a little further away before I actually started talking and even then I thought everything through before saying the words.

I didn't know this man he could still be trying to kill me but damn if he didn't look good in a suit even if it was wrinkled a little from him falling after I hit him in the head as hard as I could.

I shake my head to dismiss the horrible and dirty thoughts swirling through my head about this man after all he did scare me.

He pulls my wallet from his pocket and hands it back along with the ice pack and tries to stand up from the couch but wobbles and lands back down on the cushion with a soft thump.

He grabs his head and groans and lays back down closing his eyes.

"Maybe I should take you to the hospital the knot on your head looks pretty bad." I say softly looking over at him.

He groans and mumbles back what I can only assume is a yes as he stands up with help from me.

He leans against me as we make it outside and into my car.

By now the snow is coming down harder and making it almost to hard to see anything.

He is laying down in the back seat of my car as I make it to the hospital and get out to get a wheel chair for him.

The nurse following behind me is asking questions about him and I'm answering them as best as I can.

We get him in the wheel chair and the nurse takes over from there wheeling him away and tells me to have a seat in the waiting room that someone would be with me shortly to tell me whats going on.

I make my way into the open space that they call a waiting room and sit on one of the hard plastic chairs that look like they should be in the garbage.

I look around and there are a few other people seated in the room as well a woman who looks to be crying with her husband holding her and a man who looks nervous on the phone with someone telling them she still had two months left before the baby was due.

I turned toward the doors they had taken the guy behind as a doctor came through and walked over to the couple with a sad look on his face and the woman started to cry harder.

They followed the doctor behind the doors and they shut with a loud thud that echoed in the room.

Twenty minutes later a nurse came and got me saying Mr. Nickeli was doing fine and was asking to see me.

I followed the nurse and was brought to a private room the door held open for me and then shut with a soft click as the nurse left us alone.

There on the bed was the man looking well in a hospital gown with a morphine button in his hand and another smirk on his lips.
A/n: its been a while guys sorry about that but here is a new chapter and there will be a new one Thursday or Friday having decided just yet then I will be adding one a week till the end hope you enjoy let me know by voting or commenting :)

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