Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

        Salim grunted as he hiked up the wall. It was a very hot evening. Bullets of sweat streamed down in torso. He stopped to take a breath. His fingers were probably bleeding, he guessed from the burning sensation. He carried upward again. When he was close to the balcony, he heard the buzz inside the house. It was after all a house with a wedding.

   It was perfect timing and scenario for an assassination. Father had sent him here to kill the crown prince of The Desert Lands. Apparently, he had a bone to pick with him. He was the reason why his very young aunt had killed herself. That was just a rumour. Aunt and all her daughters burned down in a house with intentions of killing herself and her daughters? That was highly unlikely. She was murdered. And now it was payback time.


   Ada smiled at her young sister, just a year younger. But oh so naïve. She kept frowning at the happy Ada. Annoyed that how her being married to the Crown Prince wasn't affecting her. Ada smiled as she held on to her secret. Oh! How she waited for the day when her sister knows about the match for her.

  "You look wonderful, dear sister." Ada said cynically. She hated complimenting her. Xiara took after her mother, pale skin, green eyes. She looked exotic with her curly hair and  flushed cheeks.

Not like Ada. Ada was the daughter of a slave. But raised like a lady nonetheless. Ada had a darker complexion. She had high cheekbones and black eyes like onyx. But she looked like an enigma and was one.

"Yes. I do!" Xiara said her perfect nose perched high. "Just like a queen should. Ada? Can you be a dear and give this to his highness? I want him to wear this jewelled pin on his chest." She said pointing her henna tipped finger to a small box.

Ada picked it up and left the room. Xiara was glad. Ada's secretive smiles were infuriating her anyways. Why wasn't she annoyed? She had been tugging her strings all day. And now she treated her like a slave making her deliver but still nothing. She huffed in annoyance.

What are you hiding Ada?


   Salim hiked up the parapet of the balcony and jumped to the marble balcony. He hid behind the pillar. There were too many people in the chamber. Dara held a slave girl by her waist teasing her. He grabbed a chalice and drank from it. Slave girls were surrounding him. He kissed one groped another.

There was a loud knock on the door. He watched from behind the pillar. A  slave girl opened the door and a girl had entered. She was dressed in golden, her luscious brown skin complementing it perfectly. Salim hitched in a breath. His stomach stirred as she watched her walked in.

He had just in the current year had acknowledged the art of love making. And no woman, no concubine, no courtesan had made him feel this way. This surely wasn't lust. Dara had his back towards him. Dara announced everyone to empty the room and leave them alone.

Sharp knots shot through Salim's heart. This wasn't right. He wanted her to leave. He felt something terrible was going to happen. Turn around and leave, lady! He wanted to shout. But he kept quiet. That would not only give away his position but also be very dangerous for him to escape.

"What is it, dear sister -in- law?" He asked.

Salim silently gagged at this. He couldn't wait to just stuff the imbecile's mouth with his own innards.

"Xiara wanted me to give this to you." Her sweet voice rang as she handed a wooden box to him. Salim glared as he didn't take it.

"Pin it..." He paused then pointed to his chest, " here. Will you Ada?"

Oh you scum! "Yes! Your highness." She said.

Oh you stupid girl! He almost cussed out again.

"Call me Dara, Ada. After all I am marrying your sister." He said. She nodded and stepped forward to pin it to his chest. After she had done that, she tried to move back but he had caught her by her waist.

"What are you doing?!" She screeched struggling in his hold.

"Oh come on Ada. Do this as a gift for me. I'm sure you haven't yet lain with a man!" He snickered.

"Let me go!" Tears sprouted her eyes as he tried to kiss her lips. "No!" She screeched.

His hold loosened around her waist and she looked at his face. Blood poured out of his mouth. A dagger was sticking out his neck. She stepped back in shock. And his body fell limp on the ground.

"I really really wanted to kill you slowly. You pathetic pervert."


Ada looked at the owner of the voice. He was dressed all in black. His hair in a black turban and his mouth and nose covered with a black handkerchief. The only aspect which she could see was his bloody hands and his deep sapphire eyes.

Tears flowed out of her eyes streaming down her cheeks. She didn't know whether to think of him as an saviour or murderer. He looked at her. Taking in her appearance. She wanted to shudder under her gaze. No one had looked at her like he did. Her heart thudded in an desperate attempt.

She covered her arms and hugged herself in compunction. She felt shameful for being touched inappropriately. He pulled out the dagger and thrust it back into his hilt. More blood sprouted out of the dead man's neck painting the floor crimson.

He stepped over the body and stood before her. She was looking at his feet, the boots, one had a tiny crack in the front.

"It is not your fault. Just be careful around men. Not everyone is a great guy like me." If she wasn't in shock, she would've shot him an sarcastic look. He literally murdered a man.

"Just scream as loud as you can after I leave." He said and patted her shoulder twice. That was when the weight of the situation landed on her. He was an assassin who had killed the crown prince in her house. She screamed. Her screams ringing the walls.

"I said after I leave!" He said annoyed and rushed out to the run away. She held him from behind but he escaped her clutches. She had just managed to rip off his tunic. She slumped down, her skirts staining crimson. The room filled with people and she pointed a limp finger to the figure running towards the balcony.

Guards rushed towards him and he ran faster and climbed down the wall as fast as he could vis the rope. His hands burned as his palms ripped from the rough rope. He ran as fast as he could towards his horse. He mounted it and jumped the small fence. He urged the horse to run faster until he had left behind them all.

His heart thudded with fear and excitement as he slowed down. His eyes kept flashing the way she had slumped down on his blood, her hands limp and her face expressionless.

His horse trotted to the stream. He got down from the animal and walked towards the boulder where he had kept a change of clothes. He changed into his royal garb and tied the red silk around the face of the horse. Now he can escape the guard posts safely, they'd just recognise him as some royal member who had arrived for the wedding.

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