Chapter 9: Melancholy

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          Melancholy. Melancholy is when you stare at the cracks in your ceiling. Melancholy is when silence rings in your ears continuously. It is when your mind is empty at thoughts too. What do you then? Just stare at abyss. To her melancholy was anger that she couldn't grasp a chance at revenge. That she was hopeless in avenging her sacrifice.

       Her heart stung with anger, despite getting rid of everything related to him, a deep resentment settled inside of her. She hated him, hated her more for loving him. Ada had exhausted all her tears, no tears came even when she wanted them to. Her heart felt heavier.

Fearing for her sanity and her father's wrath, her step mother wrote to Xiara to invite Ada to her palace. As a doting daughter, she did. She called her to show off all her riches and the luxury she was graced with. Ada agreed to this just because everything inside her chambers reminded her of him.

Just a couple of days before, she had scrubbed her skin so hard, it almost drew blood. Her mother came in just the moment to find her daughter's skin red and bruised.

Ada reached the Desert Lands Palace, it was a huge palace smaller than the Agra Palace though. The brownish building stood tall and proud in the sun. Xiara along with her hoard of ladies in waiting, walked down the grand stairs with much flair. She had almost toppled when she saw Ada's blank expression. Nor the palace, nor her clothes, nor her, surprised her. It made her curious as to what happened. She immediately requested to be guided to her chambers. Xiara agreed, maybe she was just tired, she thought.


   Ada was a very fierce and stubborn since childhood. Xiara remembered a specific incident,

     Xiara was eight and Ada; just six. Their neighbour's son often used to cast pebbles at Xiara. She being feminine had run off to her mother to cry. He tried the same trick with Ada only to end up with a bloody forehead. Ada has thrown a stone the size of her fist at him. She remembered that day very well since the boy's mother came raging and squabbled loudly at their door.

     Xiara's mother had slapped Ada twice on the cheek. But she still stood up in defiance. Evening; when Abba came home, Xiara's mother complained incessantly to her father. He instead scolded her. If she had taken actions or Xiara had, he wouldn't have done it to Ada too.

    That moment on Xiara hated Ada for Abba always favoured her. She was pampered by him and the servants. The servants liked her because she was open and always full of energy. She would always help them out, talk to them in a friendly manner, sing around the house, dance all day. If she didn't do all these things, they'd all get worried.

    That day she had learnt another thing about Ada, if a person hurt them she would instantly hurt them a hundred times over. She wouldn't think of the circumstances, she'd just focus on hurting them and she never missed.

     Her calm demeanour scared her. Ada was never silent. Her eyes were always full of mischief. Her present dead eyes were a stranger to her. So she wrote a letter to her mother asking her what had happened to Ada. The reply that she had received, shocked her to the core. She ran to her sister's chambers.

   Ada sat there on a chair, beside her window, looking out. Frantically she asked, "Is this true?" Ada knew instantly what she was asking about. She chuckled painfully, "Why? Are you going to brand me a whore like others too?"

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