Chapter 20: Sinner

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A/N: Resorting to bribing again. Comment if you love chocolate.


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               He knew that he was a sinner. He had killed people, tortured some so bad that their screams still echoed deep inside his head, but he was a sinner with no regrets. He was a stone hearted sinner. Because all the sins he had sinned were towards sinners themselves. He could say that they deserved most of it. But what of the sin that you regret?

              It seemed as if time slowed down and he could see the fear flash in her eyes and her ducking for cover under her hand. If he could take back his raised hand, he would've. But it was too late for that. He regretted this sin even before he did it. Everything passed in life, and this even would pass too, but how would I face her, after this?

         Much to his relief, his hand was stopped, his wrist gripped tightly by someone else. "You've forgotten that we Bakr men don't lay a heavy hand on women ." Jellal seethed pushing away his arm roughly. "Especially women that are not yours." That made Salim's anger flare up again.

        He saw that Ada stood upright now and behind her husband. When her eyes met his, he saw her eyes fill up with mirth, more prominently fill up with fear.

           "She shouldn't have done that! That child was fourteen!" He hissed trying to explain Jellal.  Jellal stood firmly and upright, "True! She shouldn't have done that. But if she hadn't, we would've been six feet underneath! Instead of thanking her, why are you condemning her?! She saved us all! She saved our ancestry line! She saved The Great Empire. Then why were you going to do whatever you were going to do?!" Jellal questioned him.

            His eyes snapped from Jellal's to hers beyond his shoulder. She looked away, that felt like someone had reached in and squeezed his heart. He tightened his jaw and turned and left the room.


After he left her chamber, Ada's legs gave up. She sobbed loudly. His hateful eyes before he raised his rand flashed before her, again and again. Warm tears flowed out her eyes. She cupped her palm over her mouth to cease sobbing, but couldn't.

She felt Jellal kneel on one before her. She felt his hand over on her shoulder. "Cease'll be alright with time." She felt him wrap an arm over her shoulder and holding her until she vented out her sorrow.


        Salim walked out of the corridor in a foul mood. He stayed behind outside her door and watched her break down. It racked him with guilt and forlorn. Her sobs tore his heart piece by piece. He would've embraced her, consoled her but he was already replaced by Jellal who did it.

His head in stormy clouds, he did not watch where he was walking. He stumbled into someone and that's when his cocoon of thoughts broke. He looked at Nilija as her icy blue eyes met hers. "How are you faring, your majesty?" She asked a smile tipped on her lips.

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