Chapter 8 : Sacrifice

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As shocking as it was Ada found her own house dreary to the palace in Agra. The palace was always full of life. With women out chattering, laughing, playing games, competing in archery or embroidery. The harem itself was like a small town, it consisted of gardens, baths, seating area, kitchen etc. So it was a house inside the palace itself.

Her house in  The Desert Lands felt too humid to stay in. And lonely, her sisters were already married, her being the only one alone in the huge mansion. She wasn't sure if she was missing the palace or him. Inside the harem, the hustle bustle kept her mind diverted, surely, he was always there in her mind in the back but it was less painful.

       Now here she did not know. Wondering whether it was just because she had lost her virginity to him or that they had actually cut all ties with each other. She decided to go meet her mother. Grabbing a gold bangle she was gifted among the many other gifts, she chose that the heavy studded circlet  with citrine stones. She knew it would suit her well. As soon as she entered her mother embraced her warmly.,

     She admired her mother. The things she had sacrificed for her sake. Sacrifice, when someone sacrifices their whole life to you willingly, that is when you know it's true love. Her mother refused to take the bangle initially but she forcefully slid it on her wrist. It seemed quite large on her bony  fingers but still it suited her.

      Her mother sat her for lunch but at once she smelled something foul. Her nose tingled in disgust as she held a hand over her mouth to stop herself from vommiting.

    "What's wrong? It's your favourite lamb curry." Her mother asked her in concern.

   Ada shook her head already sweating profusely, she ran out to the courtyard. A couple of plants were the victims of her retching. She cursed her sickness. She was always sick in the mornings now a days. She brushed it off as something she had caught from her trip. Her mother was beside her in an instant rubbing her back. She washed her face and hands, her appetite now no more.

      Seeing her mother's concerned face she smiled, "Don't worry Ammi, I'm like this every morning." When she said it, her mother's face turned blank. She dragged her inside the mud house.

    "Ada, I want you to be utterly honest. Have you lain with a man?"

   Her body went stiff. Her mind swarmed thoughts of fear. How could she tell her mother that she had given in to a night of passion? Sensing her silence, her mother shook her head.

   "How long has it been?" She asked.

     "Two weeks." She said hesitantly. Her mother's eyes widened. She grabbed her forearm tightly. "You stupid girl! Coudn't you both have waited until the wedding?" She raged on. Ada looked at her mother in shock for she never got angry. Her mother was very calm and compliant.Moreover she thought it was Salim. Tears started to stream down her cheeks.

     "You don't even understand, you have a child growing inside you. Ada. You are to be a mother." She cried desperately.

Ada clutched her stomach in shock. She had forgotten the consequences of her action. Her head spun as she hyperventilated over her stupidity.

     "Write to your fiancé, tell him to marry you immediately." Her mother suggested.

    She looked at her mother with panic. "It's not him." She whispered. Her mother was soon to hear what she had said. Her mother gasped at her bashfulness. "Who was it then?" Her mother tried to be calm.

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