Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Fifteen

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Draco sat on his bed in the darkness of the night, mindlessly rubbing his hands together; something he’d do when he was nervous. He couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t even shut his eyes. His confrontation with the Dark Lord just kept whizzing through his mind like a movie on repeat...

“Narcissa Malfoy,” Voldemort leered as Draco’s mother walked head-strong into the Drawing Room. “How nice of you to join us. Your son and I were just having a nice little chat.”

“If you’ve hurt him,” Narcissa threatened quietly.

“Oh, no,” Voldemort replied, “I just had to look at a few of his memories. Very interesting they were, too.”

Draco shivered, as his mother sat in a chair beside him, although not because he was cold. He sat, staring blankly at the table in front of him, fearing that if he said a single word then the Dark Lord would become angry again.

“Him and Rosewood have been getting to know each other well,” Voldemort continued. “Very well, in fact.”

Narcissa looked to her son but he didn’t respond. “Is that so, Draco?”

“Yes,” he mumbled. “Or at least it was.”

Voldemort laughed mockingly. “It seems as though the two of them have had a disagreement. Now, you know I don’t hold well with my Death Eaters – who are loyal to me, and only me – becoming distracted by their emotions.”

“No, My Lord,” Draco gulped.

“So, as a punishment, I will put you to the test.”

At that, Voldemort stood from his seat, and fiercely flicked his wand. For a moment nothing appeared to happen, but suddenly Narcissa found herself having to breathe heavily, as though there was something wrapping around her neck.

“Draco, help me,” she wheezed in horror as the invisible force got tighter, her hands powerlessly gripping onto the table as she tried to get some air into her lungs.

Draco looked in fear from his mother, who was turning a ghastly blue colour, to Voldemort, who was watching him intently to make sure he did not let his emotions get in the way.

“Well,” Voldemort chided, “It seems little Malfoy doesn’t want to help poor mummy. How about some blood, eh Draco?”

Rapidly, Nagini appeared on the table, slithering furiously towards Narcissa who had feebly given up. Draco watched as the huge snake lunged at his mother, her fangs sinking slowly in her skin, blood dripping down.

“Stop!” he yelled frantically. “Please, stop!”

An evil smile formed on Voldemort’s pale white lips. With a single parseltongue word, Nagini backed away from Narcissa, leaving a trail of blood which was smeared on her scales.

Draco stood up from his seat and grabbed his weak mother by the arm, pulling her up out of hers. He quickly made a spell which healed the fang-shaped holes in her arm and stood as she got her breath back, all the while Voldemort simply sat with content.

“Emotions are for the weak. When you return to Hogwarts be sure to repair the Vanishing Cabinet quickly. Otherwise you’d better hope that next time I don’t kill your mother, and the rest of your pathetic family.”


“Rebecca!” Bellatrix groaned in frustration, snapping her fingers impatiently. “Are you even listening to me?”

Looking up from the innocent frog which was sprawled out on the table in front of her, Rebecca gave the woman a guilty shake of her head. “I am, I just can’t do it. I’m not... in the mood.”

Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now