Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Twenty One

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Rebecca looked down at the nursery rhyme letter she’d received for her birthday, scrutinizing every word, every letter, every quill stroke. She had absolutely no idea who had sent it to her, yet at the same time there were many possibilities who it could be from; Any one of the Death Eaters, the Dark Lord himself, Vincent Crabbe, maybe even Daphne Greengrass.

She shuddered at the thought. Ever since her and Daphne’s introduction to one another in the Great Hall during Apparition lessons, Rebecca had made sure to stay well away from her and the other Slytherins, including Draco who she hadn’t seen for at least a week.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see him, she just hadn’t had the chance. He’d been extra busy with the Vanishing Cabinet, trying to bully Crabbe into forgetting what he saw between the two of them at the same time. Whereas she had been spending time trying to find out whether Daphne really knew who she was, and who had sent her the unexplained letter, neglecting her plans completely – something that she now came to regret.

In fact she’d gotten so distracted by the whole fiasco, that after lying awake one night, unable to get to sleep, she’d consulted the ring Parvati had given her for her birthday. However, when she had asked the ring whether she should continue in her mission to find out how much Daphne knew about her, or whether she should focus on her original task of weakening Harry, it simply turned a dull grey – something which Parvati had failed to tell her about.

It was as though the odds were against her. Maybe this was the world’s way of getting back at her.

Rebecca was thrown out of her web of tangled thoughts and roused herself from the armchair she’d been sat in as she heard the footsteps of someone coming up to the Gryffindor girl’s dormitory.

“Who’s there?” she whispered suspiciously, her wand gripped in her hand tightly – ever since receiving the strange nursery rhyme letter on her birthday a couple of months ago she had become quite paranoid, making sure her wand was never more than a few centimetres away from her grasp.

“It’s just me,” a voice replied, and as whoever it was reached the top of the stairs, they let out something that sounded like a sob.

“Are you alright?” Rebecca asked the anonymous person, getting up out of the chair.

She felt her way through the dark room, and was taken aback to see as she got nearer, that the person speaking to her was Hermione.

In a gentle fashion, Rebecca wrapped an arm around the girl who was wiping her tear dampened face with the edge of her sleeve. “What’s the matter Hermione?”

Hermione looked momentarily wary of whether or not to tell Rebecca what had happened, but she soon decided that a problem shared was far better than one bottled up. After all, it was only Rebecca, and the rest of the Gryffindors were bound to find out sooner or later.

“It’s Ron,” she sniffed soundly as Rebecca guided her to her bed and the two of them sat down. “he’s been poisoned.”

“What?!” Rebecca’s mouth opened in genuine shock. “But isn’t it his birthday today?”

“Yes, I know. It’s terrible isn’t it?” Hermione swallowed and pushed her hair out of her eyes. “He drank some whiskey or mead or something, and apparently Harry had to put a bezoar in his mouth to stop him from...” she trailed off and let out a huge sigh, her body shuddering, “...from dying.”

Rebecca sat back in astonishment as she took in what Hermione had said. How on Earth had Ron Weasley been poisoned? He had to be one of the least threatening students in the school.

And as her and Hermione said goodnight to each other and got she got into her bed, Rebecca couldn’t stop the feeling – or thought – that was nagging her at the back of her mind. That, undoubtedly, Draco was most probably somehow involved.

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