chapter 1

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Out of everyone I was determined. I was determined that you had changed and was there for me like I was there for you. But apparently 'changing' isn't a thing you do. No matter how much I comment.
I loved you, I loved you enough that I didn't sleep for ages, just smiling at our convocation and chats about random, stupid things. I didn't concentrate because I was thinking about you; in class, at home. You brought this smile on my face, you made me feel as if I had someone to talk to; someone who was there for me.
But I was wrong.
Behind my back, you had several other girls. You were making them feel as special as I felt. You did something to us girls that transformed us to love you, no matter what.
Well, I guess that worked.


Cold. The only word to describe this day. Cold, bitter.
It was one of those mornings when frost was on the window, and snowy silk-ridden spiderwebs were hung from most surfaces. It was another day, just another day. Of school, friends, arguments, learning, and him. Let's call this guy cupid.
Somehow I got to know him, I met him through a friend. He didn't go to our school, and he made a good impression on me.
It was through one simple text that this whole thing started:
Cupid- hi
That was it, the start of our 'frienship' you could call it.
We talked and talked all through December. We wished each other merry Christmas and got on with our lives. But January came and washed it away.


This was my birthday month, and cupid was there to celebrate it. Through this month I had a very close friend who was a boy. It wasn't cupid though, it was a different boy- Samuel. I think I mostly got together with Sam because he was very different in many ways. We talked, but there wasn't much chemistry between us, besides we weren't even in the same year. We got teased, but I brushed it off- as usual. But me and cupid were still talking, getting closer and closer each night. My birthday came and went, so did the friends in my school. But cupid stayed by my side, even through the arguments we had together; we almost fought like a married couple.


The fighting continued, making us stronger. Then I found out so much about cupid- I hated him to the bone. I hated him so much, we never spoke again. I got on with my life and so did he. I thought about Cupid everyday since that argument and I missed him so much. The stupid, funny texts that were shared between us were a long, lost memory and our lives went on.
What I found out was that he had a girlfriend, and that night he had a different girl round. He cheated, to put it simply. I hated him so much, he seemed so smug about it. He didn't care about the feelings of the poor girl he was quietly torturing and killing. But that was what he was famous for- hurting girl for his own entertainment.
Me and Sam broke up, just a couple of days after valentines day for stupid reasons. Things were said, but it's all been apologised for. And since that month, I've never had a

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