"Once Upon A Time"

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Stardate 52140.4

Wally smacked his console in frustration and spun his chair around to face T'Lin across Xeno. "Sam and the away team should have been back by now. What's taking them?"

T'Lin did not turn to face him, leaning into the screen at her own console to read a briefing update. "It appears that they have been hit by a second ion storm."

The door whooshed open, and the Captain entered. On seeing T'Lin reading the briefing, and Wally now standing and reading it as well over her shoulder, she said, "Damn. I wanted to talk to Xeno before this news went shipwide, I'm sorry."

Wally straightened and T'Lin jumped to her feet as the Captain came in, and she waved them off, saying, "As you were." They remained standing, however, and she came all the way in to talk to them.

"We've tracked them to where they went down, and we'll find them."

"Thank you for speaking to us personally, Captain. We will pass the information on to Lieutenant Sindile." T'Lin said.

"Captain, what about Naomi?" asked Wally.

The Captain sighed gustily. "She's with Neelix. He doesn't want to tell her there's a problem yet. He wants to just keep her occupied. She's closer to him even than to you three, so I decided to let him handle it his way for now."

T'Lin folded her arms and Wally frowned, but they both said, "Yes, Captain," as Janeway nodded and departed.

            Some while later, there was still no news of the away team

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Some while later, there was still no news of the away team. Zariel was in her quarters, off-duty, pacing. She couldn't think of anything but Samantha. She had paced what seemed like a million circuits of her quarters; into the bedroom, hard about, into the living area and around the coffee table, bashing her shin on the corner as often as not, past the dining table, a large loop past the entry door, and back into the bedroom. Littered along her route were several PADDs she had picked up, done bits of research on, and discarded in frustration. She hadn't slept at all since the mayday from the away team, and had only tried to eat once, since then attempting only T'Lin's Vulcan tea.

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