Chaper one

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"I still don't get why you don't have the maids do this for you." My best friend, more like my only friend,  Charlotte Pierce added one of her snarky remarks. " I wouldn't waste my last days packing up a room instead of partying!"

"Char you know very well I don't party. But I feel like this is a step in a good direction. Doing something on my own for a change becoming my own person you know?" I say packing up the last of my stuff into a box.

"Whatever, you're like the only kid I know that would rather do something herself than have the people, who are paid I might add, do it for you. Maybe your grandmothers is the right place for you to go." Charlotte said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Even though Charlotte and I's friendship was set up by my father, she is one of the only people who really wanted to be my friend. We may be completely different, she likes to party and drink, I like to read and write. But she's the one who cracked me out of my shell when we were little. If it wasn't for her and my little brother I don't think I would be the person I am today. So leaving her is gonna be really hard, she is really my only friend and I don't really know what I'm gonna do without her.

"Aww Char, I don't want to leave, but you know I have too. Carter and I need to learn how to be independent for a change, not rely on maids or butlers who come to our beckon calls." I said, "I really am going to miss you, but don't worry we can FaceTime and text and call all the time. It will be like I'm on a really long vacation."

"Yeah I guess-" Charlotte started until there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I yell out to the mystery person

The door opens a slight bit and my moms head pops in "hon are you almost done? The jet leaves in a little over two hours we need to go." She pushes on she was never one to enjoy waiting on someone. Especially when it comes to my little brother, Carter, and I. We both are expected to do what we're told when we're told and that's just how the game goes. No love, no compassion, just strict rules and guidelines from dear old mom and dad.

"Yeah mom I just about done. Is Carter ready to go?" I ask hoping he is, I'm ready to finally leave it seems like the summer couldn't end* fast enough.

Sounds weird right? A teenager let alone a 16 year old, wanting summer to end? Well I do I hate summer it's the only time when Carter actually notices that our parents are gone for weeks at a time. It's hard to explain to a 7 year old why daddy can't come home for your little league game because he's in France doing 'business'. 

"yes he is ready all his bags are in the car and ready to go. So let's go!" She says with annoyance in her voice as her phone starts to ring.

"Okay mom chill I'm coming" I say while closing my last bag and hoping up off the floor. Charlotte follows my mom downstairs while I stop at the door way to my bedroom.

Looking at the empty in front of me. I feel an overwhelming sadness come over me as I look around, remembering memories of Carter sneaking in to my room in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm, or when Charlotte would come over a we would paint of nails until one of us would mess up and just go get them done.

"I'm secretly gonna miss you" I say in the most hushed whisper I can manage. I turn the light off and close the door.


As I stand outside my house all my stuff now in the car packed and ready to go I look at Charlotte, the only person who really cares about me, and I start to feel a little bad about being this excited to leave and get out of this hell hole. But I know she wants what's best for me as she looks back at me.

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