Step by Step

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Chapter 4

Monday started off terrible, it was 8:11 when I crawled out of Adam’s arms and his bed, and this was bad because my shift at Panaz started 41 minutes ago.

“Adam, let go of me” I grumbled into his pillow

“But it’s too late to wake up” He moaned

“Do you mean too early or is that an American term I have yet to learn?” I sighed as I turned over, spotting the digital clock over his shoulder on the bedside table.

I ignored it and closed my eyes before the time actually registered in my mind and they flew back open along with the covers, causing the loudest pain filled groan to come from beside me. Adam was curled in the foetal position and shivering in the cold morning air while I ran into his bathroom and grabbed a dirty shirt from the basket, pulled it on and ran back out to see a lump covered in duvet.

“Bye Adam” I laughed as I ran through the flat and downstairs to my partially open door.

I pushed it and it didn’t budge so I pushed harder and it still didn’t move, I looked around and sighed before walking back upstairs and banging on Adam’s door. It was at least 5 minutes before he opened the door so I just grabbed his arm and pulled him downstairs; shaking my head at the amount of times he tripped on the way.

“I can’t get my door open” I said with a hint of suggestion

“You’re point is?” He replied on a yawn

“I need you to close it” I replied sarcastically

“That was sarcastic right? Your British tone conveys it so well” He asked with a raised brow

“Just open my door” I huffed

“But my shoulder still hurts from Friday” He sniffled and even added a lip wobble

I raised my brow at him and his expression fell when he saw that I wasn’t caving and sighed, mumbling something about stubborn British chicks and starting to push at my door.

“Pushing won’t work, I tried”

“Of course it didn’t, you’re a woman and that means you’re weak” He muttered

“What did you just say” I asked in the most serious tone I had

“You’re a woman therefore you have nice cheeks?” He tried to justify

“Hurry up and open my door before I cheek you in your eyeballs” I growled and he smirked

“Are you sure, you might ruin God’s gift to London” He chuckled and I slapped him across his stomach.

This time he pushed at my door and it wobbled so he took a step back and threw himself into it and it moved and I saw from the corner of my eye that a small shove would open it. As Adam took his step back and stepped forward to slam into the door, I walked forward and shoved it and watched as Adam flew through the doorjamb and I caught sight of the terrified expression on his face before he fell to the floor and started groaning while I was nursing my stomach and crouching down trying to get the laughter to subside. Still chuckling, I stepped over Adam’s writhing form and ran into my bedroom to get to the bathroom and took the quickest shower in showering history before climbing out and drying my body and dressing at the same time, tripping as I tried to dry my hair and put my socks on at the same time.

When I ran out of my bedroom and stopped to look at the clock it was 8:47 already and I panicked, grabbed my bag and a hair band and as I ran out of the door, Adam was showered, dressed and sitting on the stairs.

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