Hello Again

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Chapter 6

3 days.

72 hours.

4320 minutes.

260200 seconds.

And counting…

And Adam still hasn’t spoken a word to me. I still sleep in his bed with him but we don’t talk. We eat breakfast together every morning with not a word spoken and then walk the winter streets of central London to work. In the last 3 days Adam has talked to me twice.

“Please could you hand out the books Miss Seibel” and “Hand over the salt” Both were said in a deep disinterested drawl that made my heart hurt. I wanted to talk to him and I wanted him to respond but I haven’t worked up the courage to speak for fear of rejection, until now.

As we walk through the bitter cold street, our continuous breaths mixing with the gray buildings and the dark gray sky, I open my mouth to speak but trip and stumble on my own feet. Adam looks at me and then continues walking while I mumble about my bucked toe on the uneven pavement spattered with black spots of old chewing gum.

Ahead of me, Adam turns into Greggs, a bakery that sells the most delicious chicken pasties and I walked/stumbled after him. I sighed like the gates of heaven had just opened and god has personally cooked me a bacon sandwich and I inhaled so deep people must of looked at me like I was snorting drugs. I didn’t care and a stupid wide grin stretched on my face when I remembered that Adam taught me not to care.

My eyes snapped open at a throat clearing and my breath stopped mid inhale and I began to choke, my throat stinging and my eyes watering while my tonsils screamed for a nice glass of icy water. I breathed deeply and let the coughing pass with only a few small coughs passing every couple of seconds until my fit died down and I looked up.

Every pair of eyes in the small bakery were on me, some in amusement, some in disapproval and some in disgust. They must of been the germaphobes…

But then I did something that shocked even me, a small smile graced my lips and with my cheeks flaming I lifted my hand and waved but its what I said that made Adam choke back his laughter, I could see is tan skin straining under his muscles to fight his smile. His dark eyes shining with tears that he tried to hold back because we both knew Adam’s laugh wasn’t pretty but then again, neither was mine.

“Piss off and stop staring at me” I growled and every head snapped away so fast I would off feared they all got whiplash.

I stomped over to the counter and ordered my chicken pasty and glared at Adam while motioning to the warm glass enclosure that housed pure happiness, lifted my eyebrow, cocked my hip out, placed one hand on the glass and one on my hip and waited. Waited a bit more and then I huffed violently and Adam’s eyebrows raised so fast, they disappeared and became his hairline and I cleared my throat to stop from laughing

“Three-” His voice came out high and he frowned before clearing his throat. There they are again I thought silently, referring to his eyebrows.

“Three sausage rolls and two chicken pasties please” his deep American drawl back to normal and this time, my eyebrows flew up and fell off the back of my head

“I’ve changed my mind, you’re buying” I said in disbelief

I watched as he nodded and walked forward, his hand slipping into his neat black dress slacks for his battered, ugly, green snakeskin wallet and pulling out a ten pound note and handing it to the small old lady, round with what I guessed was pasties and grey beginning to tinge her dark hair at the roots, I suspect she dyes her hair. She passed him a small plastic bag with our food in and his change. Her eyes flickering between us, filled with silent questions.

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