Oh Boy!

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Once you got in the room, you changed into nicer clothes. Why? You didn't know, you just felt fancy. You wore plain black flats and a dark blue dress with the sleeves that went halfway down your arms. The dress was thin and sheer but went down almost to your knees.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed. Even when you dressed pretty, your mind still whirled on and on about your body image.

There was a knock on the door, which made you jump a little.

Soon, a voice spoke from the other side of the door, "Lukas, brother? My tooth is wiggling! I think I may loose it soon!" The voice obviously came from Emil, who was talking about his tooth that he would soon lose, finally.

You spoke softly and kindly, "Emil, it's {Y/n}, Lukas is outside, but if you really need help I can help you."

He spoke awkwardly, almost like he was hiding something, "Just open the door, please."

You opened the door, causing him to scream in pain. You almost cried at the sound of his agony, but you soon realized that he tried a string to the door and the other end around his tooth. What a devious child!

"Oh Emil!" You hugged the child, hoping to make his pain go away.

"{Y-y/n}, thank you for ripping my tooth out with the door." He smiled, showing his front tooth on the top row to the left to be gone and in his hand.

Lukas ran into the room looking panicked, but once he saw the scene, he smiled.

"Aww.." Lukas said and leaned against the wall.

Emil looked afraid and ran away, "I didn't start my work!!" He said as he ran.

Lukas looked at you, scanning your body.

"Take that off," he said quietly, earning a look of confusion from you.

"What? Why?" You said, confused.

"I want to see you." He said quietly, hiding his face with his hands from embarrassment.

You stepped back into his room, where he followed and shut the door.

His action made you smile, you were not afraid of him. You knew that he would never hurt you for anything in the world.

To your surprise, he took his shirt off and tossed it to a hamper of dirty clothes. You followed him and took your shoes off and soon your dress. Then, he took his pants on.

The two of you left all your underwear on, but stared at each other's bodies.

The room was silent, but you could feel your heart beating. All of your limbs tingled from excitement, making you smile more.

Lukas took his socks off and threw them in the hamper as well.

You stared into his eyes, loving the attention he is giving you.

His eyes roamed your body, looking at every single limb. He stepped closer to you and hugged you, but one of his hands moved to your waist, where he held you close.

He broke the silence, saying, "Never leave me."

You smiled, "I won't."

He laid down on the bed, placing you beside him. He wrapped his arms around you and you places your head on his shoulder.

You took your bra off and soon followed with your underwear. Lukas got the idea and took his off, too. He soon put the blanket over the two of you and you two cuddled.

The moment was short lived because Lukas forgot to lock the door and Emil came running in.

"Brother! Wait.. Are you two cuddling, can I join??" Emil yelled happily, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Your eyes got large and you were on the verge of freaking out.

Lukas got up and out of bed, sneakily putting his underwear on before Emil could notice.

"Can we play outside, brother?" Emil said.

"Yeah, sure.." Lukas said slowly, getting dressed as he spoke.

"I want to stay," You said quietly.

Lukas looked at you and nodded, obviously want something more then he got, but as soon as he finished dressing, Emil dragged him out.

Luckily, Lukas shut the door on the way out, saving you a trip.

What a day!

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