The Rescue

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     In an instant he was in Waterfall. Papyrus scanned the area slowly, his eye sockets carefully searching for any sign of either Temmie or Undyne. Nothing. A sense of panic started to settle. He had a nagging feeling something wasn't right.

"Undyne!" He called nervously.


He called again with a slightly more frantic and desperate tone. "Undyne!"

"Pap...," came a whisper.

He heard the small voice from behind him. He turned to find the scientist laying on the floor, her messy red hair spread around her. It turns out he had teleported only a few feet in front of her. A wave of relief washed over him as knelt down by her side to get a closer look at her. She appeared to be unharmed, her white lab coat was a bit dirty and there seemed to be a coffee stain on her sleeve, but unharmed, which was a good sign, yet strange, it still didn't feel right to him. He ignored the feeling. For now Undyne was his main concern.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly.

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine," she answered anxiously. She felt a warm sensation rise in her cheeks, she only prayed that Papyrus hadn't noticed.

"You look a bit shaken up you sure you're okay?"

"Y-yeah a bit, but I'll be okay."

Papyrus looked at her for a moment, his eye sockets filled with concern. The two of them had become good friends ever since he had been helping out in the lab. It turns out the shy, quiet scientist had another side to her, one that is funny and sweet and- 

Focus Papyrus. He told himself.

With that he snapped back to reality. This had flashed through his mind in an instant. He stood up and offered his hand. She took it. "Come on let's get out of here before Temmie comes back."

Confused, Undyne stammered "H-how..."

Papyrus cut her off, "Good thing you left that message otherwise I don't know how I would've found you."

"Message? P-Pap what are you talking a-"

"You know the one you left on your pho-," Papyrus started. Then the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. "Oh no." It had been a set up, he didn't know why and frankly Papyrus didn't want to find out.

"Come on we gotta m-"

He was cut off by a another voice seething with hate and disgusted that reminded Papyrus of nails scraping against a chalk board, "Wel if it isnt Papyrus? Leving so soon?"

A/N : Ok that was part 2. Let me know what you guys think so far and if you have and suggestions or critics, please let me know and thank you for reading!!

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