The Truth

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After a nap Papyrus felt better. Undyne helped him off the couch and the two walked back to the lab. Neither said anything. Once they came close to the lab, Papyrus broke the silence, "Hey 'Dyne," he said tugging her sleeve causing her to stop walking.

She turned to face him, "Y-yeah?"

"Thank you, for saving me and for everything else," he smiled and looked away. "I own you my life," he added quietly.

"W-well now we're even."

The was an awkward pause between the two. Neither really sure of what to say next. Undyne finally spoke, "W-we should really get back. Alphys and Sans m-might be worried."

Papyrus looked up nervously, "Did you tell them?"

"N-not Sans."

A wave of relief washed over Papyrus, he didn't want to scare his little brother like that, "What did you say to him?"

"I-I said you were sleeping back at Snowdin. I-I know it's not the best excuse but it's the best I could come up with."

Papyrus thought for a moment and nodded in approval, "That's believable. Thanks for covering for me."

"N-no problem," she paused for a minute, "h-hey what are you going to tell Sans, you know, about Gaster?"

Papyrus stopped walking. This had slipped his mind completely. He knew he would have to tell him sometime, he had a right to know. But he needed to be careful what he said and when he said it. I mean you can't just drop the bomb on your little brother like 'hey your dad/creator is alive and well and he wants to reconnect with you after 10 years, by the way what's for dinner?'

"I don't know," he finally said feeling defeated, "I think I should tell him what really happened just now, but you know not mention the dangerous parts," he gave a sideways smile, Undyne laughed. "I won't tell him everything about the past, just the important parts that hopefully won't spark his memory."

Papyrus gazed off into the distance thinking about his past. Undyne put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly, "We'll g-get through this." He looked at her hand, eye sockets filled with gratitude, he touched her hand with his own, "Thanks."

They walked the rest of the way to the lab in silence. When the were within sight Alphys burst out the door running towards the two. She nearly tackled Undyne when she brought her in for a hug, "I was so worried about you I swear if you ever do that again-"

"Relax Al I'm okay, except you're crushing my r-ribs," Undyne breathed out.

"I'm glad you're okay, now tell me what happened."

The three walked into the lab and were greeted by Sans, who was especially glad to see his older brother, "You were sleeping for a long time brother, are you sure you're alright?"

Papyrus sighed, "Look buddy there's something I gotta tell ya, I wasn't sleeping the whole time. I met someone. Someone important to us."

Sans looked at his brother, his face filled with confusion, "What do you mean?"


Papyrus looked up at his brother who had been quiet the whole time he had told him the story, which it is unlike Sans to be quiet for so long. Papyrus hadn't told him about Temmie or how close to dying he had been, he figured it wouldn't be a good place for his young mind to dwell.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the small skeleton spoke, "So you saying that dad's alive?" a small glimmer of hope in his eyes. Papyrus nodded. "Can I meet him?"

Papyrus shrugged, "I don't know Sans, I will talk to him later, but I'm sure he would like to see you." Sans smiled excitedly, he couldn't believe he was actually going to meet his dad. "Okay!"

There was a small pause for a moment then Sans had an idea, he knew that Papyrus hadn't told him everything which didn't bother him. If he didn't tell him he didn't need to know and he trusted Papyrus. But there was something going on between him and Undyne. They seemed closer. He didn't really know why he noticed, it was so subtle, but he noticed.

"I am going to go home for a bit, Alphys you wanna come?" He said loudly.

Alphys glanced at Papyrus and Undyne, catching on with what Sans was trying to do, and smiled, "Sans that is a GREAT idea!" she looked at Undyne, "You two have fun." Alphys and Sans exited the lab, giving each other a fist bump.

Undyne looked up at Papyrus who had already been looking at her, she blushed lightly, "So what do you wanna do?"

"How about we finish our movie?" he suggested.

"Oh right! I-I forgot about that."

She started up the movie on her laptop, it was still paused at the spot they had left off. "Do you want anything?" Papyrus asked. Undyne thought for a second, "I'm okay." He nodded and slid next to her, their hips touching. Undyne pressed play and sat back on the couch, she had forgotten they had ended on a romantic note, she shifted her weight towards Papyrus slightly. In response he put his arm over the top of the couch and she nestled into his side, he smiled down on her. She didn't notice. The movie continued and they laughed together. After the movie was over, Undyne looked up at Papyrus who looked down at her, "Now what?" She just noticed how close their faces were to each other. Undyne looked into his eye sockets unblinking. Slowly they leaned in, eyes closing, until the space between them closed and Undyne's lips meant Papyrus's skull. It was a soft kiss, they didn't realize what happened until Undyne pulled away, her eyes wide, "I-I'm sor-" She was cut off by Papyrus who had put his hand on the back of her head, his digits tangling in her hair, and gently pulled her back to him. She touched the side of his face with her hand. Papyrus pulled away and looked at Undyne, brushing the hair away from her face. He smiled, "You don't have to be sorry." She smiled and blushed. He put his arms around her and brought her into his chest. She listened to his soul beating quick, her own heart racing as well. She couldn't believe this was actually happening.

Slowly they both laid down on the couch, Papyrus on his back with Undyne on his chest listening to his steady breathing. His arm rested on the small of her back while the other was behind his head. She nestled into his chest, the events of the day weighed down her eyelids and she found herself fighting a losing battle with sleep. Papyrus waited until he felt her breathing slow, he looked down sure enough she was fast asleep. He smiled at her lovingly and thought about how he might actually be happy for the first time in a long time. He touched his mouth to her mop of hair in the form of a kiss and dosed off to sleep with a small smile still on his face.

A/N: See I told go you they would have their moment eventually! Well here we are at the end of the story. I'm kinda sad to be honest I really enjoyed writing this (I'm really sorry about the long wait but it's finally here). I might do a little prequel involving how they met and Temmie begin created but we will see. Right now I want to thank everyone who has made it this far! Currently this story has over 450 views which I still find hard to believe. You guys have been great really thank you so much to everyone who has read, commented and voted! As always let me know what you think! 


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