Continued MLP rant from AmethystCesarl

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AmethystCesarl has made a very fair point on MLP in her book sin rants you should check it out she's a very good writer.

Here is the comment I posted on the that rant:

My friends watch MLP I tell them to watch Steven Universe

after watching one episode like cat fingers or gem glow or something like that they say they don't understand why I watch steven universe. I don't understand them watching a show that was meant for people like my 5 year old cousin. Watch the worst of deviantart there is A LOT of MLP art

mostly of them eating crap. Like really guys I've seen some gross SU fanart but it isn't as bad as the MLP fanart which is pretty much all sins.

I don't mind if you like the show but I just can't understand it

I also hate it when people draw SU ships (Most of all Lapidot) as ponies.

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