Bullying pt 1

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Ok watch the video

I have to keep this part short but I'll do a pt 2

It sucks.

But all bullies have a reason to bully 

I have befriended a few exbullies they are a bit mean but don't do it on purpose 

I'm not saying that bullies are doing it without knowing but

I may sound cliche when I say this but

It may be hard but try ignore the pain

I have been bullied before 

For being the only fucking loner in my grade.

It sucks I know 

And I tried to ignore it but

It's hard you know

And somep people can't ignore it because they haven't found any distractions like

Mine was drawing and reading (what a nerd🤓)

And if you get to sucked to into those things then you may end up fat and lonely

Or just lonely if can't get fat.

I know who you are you lucky bastards 

(Read pt2 out soon)

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