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Now today I am going to talk about Brats

not just any sort of Brats but disabled Brats

Ok Ok before you click the unfollow button lemme explain

Not all "Disabled" people are brats 

some of them are pretty cool  and I would totally be friends with them.

(I don't like using the word disabled but I don't have a thesaurus)

It's just the fact that most DP (Disabled people) Get away with it.


 because they are disabled

And because most people think they are mentally retarded 


Just because they look funny or walk weird or whatever

doesn't make them retarded

One time when I was little I was at Mcdonald's playing on the playground you know.

Then this down syndrome kid comes out of nowhere and starts frightening little kids

by screaming at them 

Not because he was retarded

because he was DS and he can get away with it

yeah sure kids can be dicks but...

this guy was like 17


an average 17 year old doing that would be fined, smacked and might even go to court  

this guy could get away with it

because he was disabled.

Wow just wow

i've seen other disabled kids getting away with things too but I will just mention that one.

look kids can be brats and get away with it cause they are spoilt but that is like the thing everyone mentions and I think I am one of the first to bring it up.

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