Is There An Escape?

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Is there an escape?

The pain coursed through out my body. My breathing was fast and shallow. I couldn't take it. For the umpteenth time I had been told I was worthless good for nothing. Those words burned into me like poison. They haunted me. 'You freak, you fag, you whore' their voices echoed in my head. New streams of hot tears trickled down my face. More pain burned me, its flames eating me whole. I wanted it to stop. I shoved my hand deep into my pocket and pulled out a small knife. I looked at the beautiful piece of metal in my hand. The way the light caught it captivated me. I ran my fingers down is sharp edge. Small balls of blood appeared on my finger tips. The pain eased slightly. I gulped; acidic tears ran down my face. I dug the knife into my wrist and began to cut. One small cut after another. Blood dripped from my wrist. My body felt numb. I was free from the fire but I was now trapped in the darkness. Its claws wrapped tightly around my small figure. I inhaled deeply breathing in its sweet fragrance. I snuggled into its chest, closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall deeper. The deeper I feel the more the pain faded. Could this be a trap? My eyes snapped open, my whole body throbbed. I burned. Blood poured from my open wounds. Tears leaked down my face. My throat constricted as to stop me screaming out. I looked down at my hands. They looked battered, grey and sickly. What had I done to myself? I feel to my knees. I couldn't take it anymore. The pain was back but this time worse than ever. I wanted to be free. Why couldn't I escape? The truth was I was still holding on to the past. I couldn't let go all the things that they had said to me. "You fag, you're just a waist of oxygen, just die already" their words burned deep into me. It was all true. I was worthless and a waist of oxygen. More tears leaked down my face. I felt something touch me. I couldn't see what it was. I heard a voice. "Calm down...I'm aren't alone" they said clearly trying to sooth me. I felt them gently take my wrist and start to dab it. The liquid burned. I wanted to scream out but my throat was in a tight knot. I felt them wrap a piece of material around my now clean wounds. My eyes opened to see someone I didn't think I'd see. It was the love of my life. They gently kissed my forehead. "Sweetie no matter what they say I'm here" the said trying to hold back their own tears. I gave them a weak smile. "Baby I love you" I said before pulling them into a loving kiss. They where my escape.


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