Are You Okay?

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Are You Okay?

This is the story of how I was saved.

They sky was pitch black. They had done it again. They were constantly picking on me, telling me I was ugly, fat and not good enough. Tonight they had crossed the line for the last time. I couldn't take it anymore. I cried and cried. Until I had no more tears left. My chest felt tight, I couldn't breathe. I knew what had to be done. I took the blade out of my jeans pocket. I then looked down at my scared wrist. I slowly dug the blade deep into my flesh, enjoying the relief I felt. I watched as the crimson liquid known as blood leaked from my body. I held my new wounds and cleaned my blade. The sky began to cry like it knew how I felt. Its tears soaked me as I walked the streets. 'No one cares, I am alone' that's what I keep telling myself. I found myself in an unknown area. I sat down on a curb and just stared off into the darkness. 'Why?' I continually asked myself. I felt something touch me. I quickly jumped up and got ready to defend myself. "I'm sorry I startled you" a soft voice said. "But I wanted to ask you something" they said before pausing. "Are you okay?" they asked actually sounding concerned. Those three simple words broke me. "AM I OKAY?" I screamed. "NO, OKAY IM NOT BUT YOU DONT CARE!" I screamed even louder. "If I didn't care I wouldn't have asked" the soft voice said. I looked at the owner of the voice. It was a young man with hair as dark as coal. His sapphire eyes filled with so many emotions, the one I could read the most was worry. I fell to my knees in floods of tears. The pain I felt evident to the whole world. The boy pulled me into his arms. "I'm here now" he whispered. "I was once where you are now" he said wiping my face. He lent close to my ear. "You'll be able to say these words to" he paused. "I USED to cut" he put so much entices on used. He smiled at me. "Let's get you cleaned up" he said taking my hand. I went with him and have never looked back.

I used to cut are some of the most powerful words a person can say.

'Are you okay? These three simple words can save so many lives.


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