I sit among the silver stars and from within them I hear a voice,
"You are but mortal, we can tell, but your soul is old as the stars closest to
when time began. Your body is laced
with our very essence."I trace my arm with my fingertips and trail them along my face.
And I feel the stars within me awakening.And somewhere, far beyond Jupiter, and so close to Mercury, the Sun cries out, "the stars will never leave you, whom else do you need? It is but them that love you and but them that guide you."
And yet somehow, with my twinkling eyes made of galaxies, that doesnt feel right, for I know you. And you are in my memories, and in my veins; you are my blood, and my oxygen, and my life.
And maybe you are my star, long forgotten but now forever reunited.
And perhaps if you aren't my star, we came from the sameFor it is but you who loves me,
and but you who guides me.
not edgar allan poe
Poetrywhat i feel. what i am. what i know. my only escape. here.