Chapter 15

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Negan POV

I was just walking to the trailer where my wives and daughter are when Claire rushed out and stumbled into me because she wasn't looking were she was going. I look down at her and she looks up. She looks frightened. Good. I smirk at her and she gets up.

"S-sorry master." She stuttered out. She's hiding something.

"What are you hiding from me Claire?" I asked her with a questionable look. Then she looked away from me and now I know she's is hiding something.

"N-nothing." She stutters out.

" Don't lie to me." I growl.

"I punished y-your d-daughter bye putting h-her in a-a cage full of a d-dozen walkers." She said quietly.

"You did what?!" I yelled at her. I grabbed her by the caller of her shirt and pick her up.

"S-sir p-please she d-didn't die she killed all of them." She stuttered out I just dropped her and glared at her. She squirmed under my gaze.

"Where is the cage?" I all but growled.

"I-in the basement." She stuttered. I just walked off and went to the basement to see her on her knees looking at the ground. I walked to the door and opened it. She heard the noise and snapped her head up to look at me. When she saw me she glared at me so I put my hands up in defense.

"Woah calm down I didn't tell her to do this. I didn't even want her to do this I just said punish you not try to kill you." I said putting my hands down and walking up to her. She put her head down so I couldn't see her. I kneeled down in front of her and grabbed her chin and lifted her head so her e/c eyes meet mine.

"Can you stand?" I asked her.

"Yes but I am chained so I can't get out." She said. She had such a smooth voice I don't know how I made her but I want her. I haven't told her yet and I think she hasn't found out yet but this is really what she is. Don't get me wrong she is human but she is also part...

Hahaha cliffhanger. Sorry I had to do the cliffhanger. But I hope you don't hate me. Sorry again about the cliffhanger

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