Why Me?

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A/N Another USUK one shot! Enjoy XD

Arthur sat there at his spot in the library, as he looks to his boyfriend, who is getting surrounded by a bunch of people. Alfred, was his name, the all American jock at their school, who everyone loved. He always thought that he was so lucky to have Alfred as a boyfriend, and right at that moment, the American looked over at the Brit with his famous grin that could rival the sun's brightness, causing Arthur to blush. He gave Alfred a smile back, but he didn't know how much of an effect it had on the blonde American. Soon the blue eyed male started to talk to the people again causing Arthur into think back on how Alfred had confessed to him.

~Two Years Ago~

The two blonde headed kids were best friends and were in Sophomore year of high school. They both had huge crushes on the other, it's just that they were both so clueless they didn't know, unlike everyone else. So, on one faithful day Alfred had worked up all the courage he could muster, to ask out his best friend. It was finally the end of the day and that's when the American planned to finally ask. He walked out in the hall to find Arthur at his locker, putting up the things he didn't need. The blonde walked up to the Brit, with sweaty hands and a blushing face. 'Play it cool Alfred, or he'll know something's up' He thought, but all that shattered as he seen Arthur's emerald green eyes stare at him.

"Is there something wrong, Alfred?" The Brit asked, with concern in his voice. Alfred shook his head and Arthur continued putting more books in his locker.

"Um... Yes, Arthur. There's actually something wrong." He said, surprised his voice didn't crack. He could feel his heart beating so fast, he was confused as to how Arthur couldn't hear it, but brushed the thought off once he saw Arthur gave him a look to continue. "Well, I hate that we are best friends." Arthur's eyes widen in terror as Alfred said this. The Brit could feel tears start to form in his eyes, thinking Alfred was going to end their life time friendship, but before one could fall, the American resumed. "I want to be more than friends with you, Arthur. I love you and have had this huge crush on you since forever and I finally made up the courage to ask you, so I was like, okay today is the day-" He was cut off by a pair of lips on his own. He looked to see Arthur was in front of him, connecting their lips together in a love filled kiss. Alfred pulled Arthur closer to him with his hands around the Brit's waist and Arthur pulled Alfred's head down to deepen the kiss more, with his hands around the American's neck. They finally pulled away from their passionate kiss and looked at each other, as they got lost in the others eyes.

"I was wondering when you were going to quit talking so I could kiss you" Arthur said as he chuckled. Alfred smiled at him and kissed Arthur once again, to make sure this wasn't a dream. "I love you, Alfred. Always have, always will."

"I love you too, Artie." The American said "So, are we boyfriends now?" He saw the green eyed, blonde, male blush and then quickly nodded. "Aww you're so cute Artie!" Arthur gave him a glare.

"I am not you bloody, git! And my name is not, Artie!" He yelled loudly, causing Alfred to burst into a fit of laughter.

~Back To The Present~

Still sitting in his chair, Arthur heard two girls behind him talking. "Hey, did you know Alfred is dating Arthur Kirkland?" The 1st girl said. "Why? He is mean and probably doesn't treat Alfred like he is supposed to." The 2nd girl said. ' Their right aren't they. I am mean and I always yell at Alfred's stupid ways. I don't deserve him do I? Why is he even dating someone like me in the first place? Aren't jocks supposed to date the cheerleaders-'

"Hello? Earth to Arthur." The Brit quickly came out of his thoughts, as he heard Alfred's voice. "Hey are you okay? You're crying." Arthur quickly wiped his eyes and stood up. He nodded and quickly ran out of the room, leaving a confused Alfred standing there. 'Okay, there is something totally wrong with Arthur.' The blonde thought as he quickly ran out the door after his upset boyfriend.

Alfred found Arthur hugging his knees, sobbing under a tree. "Artie, you okay, babe?" He crouched down by the Brit and wrapped him into a hug. Arthur struggled out of his grip and finally managed to get free. 'I love him and I want him to be happy.' Another tear fell down his face. "A-Alfred, I am breaking up with you," Was the last thing he said before running off out of Alfred's view. 'What did I do?' He thought as he fell, crying his eyes out until there were no more tears to be shed. That night both of them cried themselves to sleep, hoping it was all just a bad dream.


One week had passed and it was the end of the school day on Friday. 'That's it! Arthur broke up with me and has gone the whole week avoiding me and I don't even know why he dumped me, so today I am gonna confront him.' Alfred thought as the bell rang signaling school was out and the weekend had started. The American walked out of his classroom and quickly hid in another one by Arthur's locker. He knew the Brit had a student council meeting today, so he would be late and that meant all the student would be gone by now leaving the two of them alone. About 30 minutes had passed and Alfred saw the blonde walk up to his locker. The American opened the door quietly and as Arthur was about to unlock his locker, Alfred shoved the green eyed man up to the wall and put his hands on each side of his head, glaring at the smaller male in front of him.

Arthur looked at Alfred with pure horror. He could see the fire and hurt in the blue eyes he loved so much. "Now tell me, Arthur, why did you dump me and just leave? And why were you crying?" Alfred demanded with a serious tone.

Arthur knew there was no way getting out of this so he just sighed and answered. "I did that because I'm pathetic. Alfred, why would you even date someone like me? All I am is just a rude Englishman that no one likes. I always yell at people for no reason and point out their flaws making them feel bad about themselves. You could have the nicest person here, but you decide to date me. So I gave you your happiness and left because I really do love you Alfred and seeing you happy is all I could ask for." He said with tears rolling down his pale face.

Alfred stared at Arthur a bit before he opened his mouth to talk. "You have got to be kidding me, right?" The Brit just looked at him and shook his head. "Arthur, what is wrong with you? I fell in love with you because of those things. I love the way how you speak your mind and I love how you can hold your ground against anyone. I love how you're always making snarky comments about everything, so what I am trying to say is, Arthur, I love every single thing about you and seeing you everyday of my life makes me the happiest person alive. There is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop that." Alfred said grinning at the Brit. They both smiled and Alfred couldn't take it any longer, that smile was just too cute, so he pulled Arthur into the most sweetest kiss ever. The kiss was full of love and longing, as they stood there in each other's embrace, loving the feel of being back in each other's arms. "So, will you take me back, Artie?" The American asked with his goofy grin.

    Arthur just smiled and said "I would very much like that, love,and my name is not Artie!" He yelled as Alfred laughed pulling him into another kiss. Oh, how they missed this so much and the both of them being the happiest ever to have gotten it back.

A/N Sorry for the sadness, but it ended happy. Yay!! See ya dudes in the next one shot. Bye!

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