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'Yes, 3:00! School is over and it's Friday!' Alfred thought, fist pumping the air, as he walked out of his class room. "Excited, are we Alfred?" Said boy looked over to see, the one and only, Mr.Kirkland, the school's English teacher. The American just blushed, looking away.

"Um, Yeah! I-It's a Friday, so I get the weekend to relax." He answered him, feeling the butterflies in his stomach forming. The Brit just chuckled and placed his hand on Alfred's shoulder.

"Well, have a good weekend, lad." He said before walking away and giving Alfred just enough time to say "You too." The American watched the teacher until he turned a corner and was out of sight. A small smile of confidence formed upon his lips. 'I just faced my crush without being some wimp.' He thought, heading over to his locker. Once he got there, he started to put his books up, not needing them for his days off.

"Hey look boys, it's Alfred Loser Jones." The sound of that voice, caused Alfred to frown. Just to make his day terrible, here comes his bullies.

"Can you guys just leave me alone today?" He asked, trying to make his voice sound more serious. All the boys did was chuckle and walk closer to the American.

"Nah, then how would I spend all my fun before the weekend?" The leader asked, just before kicking at Alfred's legs, making him fall to the ground. "Now what to do first..." The boy start kicking at Alfred's huddled up form, causing him to whimper in pain. Soon most of the other bullies started to join and the American could feel bruises starting to form.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?" A British accent yelled, from down the hall. Alfred felt the kicking stop, as tears fell from his eyes. The boys made no sound, as the English teacher walked closer. "I said, what the bloody hell is going on here?" He said again, with a scary tone, it even scared Alfred.

"U-Um... We were j-just having f-fun before t-the weekend." One of them said, with fear in their voice.

"So, having fun is kicking a helpless student?" He asked and Alfred could hear him very clearly, meaning the Brit was super close. The teacher just chuckled. "How bloody stupid are you? Now all of you are suspended for the rest of the year! I never want to see you on these grounds until that is up!" He yelled and the American heard multiple "Yes sir"s and the sound of feet running down the hall. Mr. Kirkland just sighed and bent down to look at the bully victim. "Are you alright, Alfred?" He asked, as Alfred turned over and sat up, tears running down his face.

"Y-Yes, I am fine Mr. Kirkland. Thanks." He answered getting up and brushing himself off. Alfred looked at his crush and seen sadness in his eyes. "No, seriously. I am fine sir." The teacher just nodded and Alfred began to walk off, but a hand on his wrist stopped him.

"How about you come to my place and I fix you up?" The Brit asked, with hope in his eyes. The American blushed, but nodded and the two walked out of the school.

~Time Skip~

They soon arrived at Mr. Kirkland's house and the Brit told Alfred to head to the bathroom, while he took off his coat and shoes, and retrieved the first aid kit. "Take a seat on the toilet" He said, walking in to see the American standing. Alfred followed the Brit's orders and took a seat. "Now, I am going to feel if you have any broken ribs." Alfred just nodded and the teacher began to feel around on Alfred's chest. 'Dang, I knew this kid was hot, but he has muscles too?' Arthur thought, blushing, but continued his work and found out, nothing was broken.

The Brit then began to bandage up the blue eyed blonde's bruises and Alfred was all good in no time. "Thanks, Mr. Ki-"

"Please, Alfred. Call me Arthur."

"Oh, well thanks, Arthur I really appreciate it." Alfred said, smiling.

"Not a problem, lad. If you need help just ask and I will be there." Arthur answered, feeling happy he helped someone out.

"Um, actually, there is something." The Brit just looked at Alfred, who had a big smile and flushed cheeks.

"Well, what is-" Before he could finish, he felt a pair a soft lips and his cheek. Knowing it was Alfred, a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips as the American pulled away. "Hey, what was that? If you're going to kiss me, do it properly." Arthur said, as Alfred chuckled and they both leaned in, connecting their lips in a chaste kiss. They both felt sparks shoot through their bodies, as they both pulled away. "You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." The Brit said, as Alfred nodded, being too shocked to answer. At that Arthur laughed, "So how about you coming over tomorrow?" He asked

"Hell yeah, dude!" The American yelled before pecking Arthur on the lips one last time and ran off towards his house. "See ya tomorrow, babe."

Arthur just chuckled. 'I can't wait for tomorrow!'  

A/N Why do I have another(kinda) sad one again after the other? Well, I hope you liked it and please request a plot guys. Thanks~

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