Hospital Wing

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My eyes fluttered open and I closed them at the piercing bright lights around me but soon enough they adjusted and I heard whispers all around me.

I looked around and saw I was in a strange rather large room with many beds..I must begin the hospital wing.

"I'll go get madam pomfrey."I heard and I went to sit up but a hand pushed me gently back down.

"Don't get up you'll hurt yourself."I looked at the owner of the hand and to my surprise it was a blonde haired Draco who was siting on the bed besides me.

"What happened? Why am I here?"I asked confused and they gave each other looks just then did I notice the other Slytherins in the room.

Ally, Goyle,Crabbe, Blaise and even Cora, Gram and Flore were there, eating the food that was by my bedside.

Just then Goyle opened a pumpkin pasty and my stomach growled.

"Well don't just stare at her- give it to her."Draco told Goyle and I pointed to the extra one behind him which he handed me with a slight smile as if to say sorry.

I began to eat it feeling the lovely sensation of food on my tongue.

"You don't remember?"Flore asked me.
"No, not-"My head throbbed and I groaned in pain and I set the pasty aside just as madam promfrey came in with Pansy.

"My Dear Merlin, you were right, someone call Dumbledore tell him she's awake and I'll be checking if there's no need for St.Mungos."She instructed the Slytherins as she pulled a cart filled with bandages by my bedside table. Cora and Flore immediately stood up and made their way out of the hospital wing.

"What happened to me?"I asked her as she helped me sit down.

"You don't remember dear? Well that's not good, many fingers am I holding?"She asked sticking up two fingers.

"Two."I shrugged and she shined her wand in my eyes,"Hmm. It's just one dear."

"Slight concussion. Seems like you'll be stuck here a while."She told me,"You took a club straight to the head. Miracle you're still here really."

"A club to the head.."I said confused then it hit me. The troll. The girls bathroom..Hermione!?

"Hermione. Hermione was there too is she okay? She's not dead is she? Oh god she's dead. I'm going to jail."I said putting my head in my hands.

"She's fine, dear- your cousin and his friend Ron got there in time to help her get out without a scratch."She said holding my head on straight in a position where I wouldn't be in pain and began to do things I couldn't really see.

Then i saw it, the glistening white toilet Crabbe was sitting on.

"Am I hallucinating or is that a toilet?"I said pointing at it.

"We were pretty shocked  when it showed up too."Ally told us,"not something you'd expect not to mention disgusting."

"It's actually kinda funny."I said, with a giant smile and just then Blaise set a small folder on my lap.

"We took the liberty in coping our notes down for you so you can catch up on the last month."He told me and pointed to the bag filed with books besides him.

"On the last mo- I've been out a month? Are you sure IM not dead?"I asked madam pomfrey.

"You will be if you don't stop moving,dear, now hold still."She said and I did as told but had a stressed out expression on my face.

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