Chapter 3:

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Taking a few minutes to pass by a few more crowds, we walked along an empty hall.

Alex and I were talking about his plans and what we would do before the day he moves into his dorm.

I couldn't help but glance at Ashton, who had an expressionless face while on his phone.

He was constantly licking his lips.

I always found that a bit sexy when a boy did that.

I don't know what happened, but I found myself curious all of a sudden about him.

"So Ashton," he shot his eyes up to me, "how was the flight?"

"Eh it was alright." He shrugged.

I just realized how much I loved his accent.

Well he and Alex has the same accent...

I nodded and continued my conversation with Alex.

We were now in the elevator, with a grown man in a tux.

He gave me and Alex a smile, but when he saw Ashton he immediately froze.

Ashton didn't seem to notice, him still being on his phone.

The guy seemed paralyzed for a second, and then returned back to normal.

I wonder if that reaction is always given when someone sees Ashton. To be honest, I'm not that surprised.

I pretty much was like that too when I saw him.


I cleaned my car just for Ashton and Alex to make a good impression.

I couldn't help but feel a little proud of myself when Alex complimented it.

Ashton put his shades on, which was weird since we were in a car...

I wish he didn't wear them. I want to see his eyes.

Wait, scratch that. No I don't...

I felt a little bad that he wouldn't talk. If he was truly Alex's friend, he would be talking ALOT.

I mean here is yet another reason why I am confused as to why they are friends.

Alex is this talkative, kind guy. I guess I can't really say if Ashton is kind or not...but I know he doesn't like to talk.

How on Earth are they freaking friends?

They're barely even talking to each other.

I put the radio up, trying to remove the silence in the car.

It was on a pop station radio

I heard someone groan, me glancing at Alex who was sitting in the passenger seat next to me.

When I realized it wasn't him, I looked in the rear view mirror to see Ashton with his shades off, looking at me.

I looked at his gorgeous light green eyes, then quickly looked away.

I need to stop acting so weird.

Or he needs to stop acting so weird.

I don't know why he was groaning. What was I doing?

"Are you okay back there Ashton?" I asked politely.

I looked back up at the mirror, but he wasn't looking, just staring out the window.

"Just fine," he stated. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

I looked at Alex, who gave me a weird look before shrugging it off.

We were stuck in traffic. Ugh.

"How's uncle and aunty doing?" Alex asked wiggling his eyes brows.

I giggled, "They're doing perfectly fine."

I then asked him the same question, referring to his parents.

"Well my mother is feeling kind of bipolar...she was crying sad tears when I was leaving for the flight, and then she was crying happy tears when I reminded her that I was leaving for college," he chuckled.

I 'awed' and then gave him a smile.

While me and Alex were talking, I couldn't help but wonder what Ashton was doing.

I wanted to look in the mirror so badly, but I didn't want him to be looking and then we have yet another awkward moment.

"Well looky hereee," Alex dragged poking the now sleeping Ashton.

I turned around, watching Ashton scrunch up his nose and move his knee so Alex couldn't poke him.

He had headphones in his ears, and his arms were folded against his chest.

I turned my focus back on to the road, ignoring his rude behavior.

Was he being rude?

Or maybe he was just shy...?

Why is this boy so damn confusing?

Why is he also so attractive?

Attractive? Where did that come from Zoe?

Ew, yuck. Remember he has tattoos. He has tattoos. A lot. And they are very unattractive.

He thinks he's all cool with them. Well he is cool.



He isn't cool and he most definitely isn't attractive...well maybe just a bit good looking but the rest is a no.

God, what am I saying?

I shook my head, receiving a weird look from Ashton.

He cocked an eyebrow.

'Nothing' I mouthed.

He nodded and went back on his phone, texting his mother.

I laughed when his phone continued beeping before he could even read a message.

"She misses you, huh?" I asked giggling.

"Just a little..." He smirked.

You know, Alex is so fun. Ashton doesn't seem fun. When I see him, I don't know, he's basically emo.

But he's a good looking emo. Like I'm not saying emo's aren't attractive but some just take it too far.

Somehow his look suited him very well.

But hey, I never said I liked it.

He's weird.

I just need to be friends with Alex.

I can't imagine me and Ashton being friends...ew.

I just wish I could just ask Alex why are they even friends.

But I couldn't.

I let it go.

I needed to stop thinking about this so hard.

Why is Ashton taking up the space in my mind so?

Is it because I find him attractive?

God dammit Zoe! You don't freaking find him attractive!

Oh ya, he has tattoos. That's not my type.

I need to stop lying to myself. I do find him attractive.

No matter how hard I lie to myself, deep down I secretly think he's good looking.

But that doesn't mean I like his personality. No.

I think I have a headache.

Stop. Thinking. About. Him.

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