Chapter 15

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Abigail POV:

"OVER HERE ABIGAIL" Antonio called over to me as I dribbled the ball with my feet toward him and kick it to him.

Antonio invited me over to play football with him, Joey, and Jack which are his two older brothers, and Jamie, and Ariana who are his two younger sister. They where amazing and I guess his two sisters play for the girls football team at our school.

The ball moved over to me through the grass, I prepare the ball as I stand in front of the goal and swing my foot back and kicks it and it makes it in. "YAYYY!" Ariana said giving me a high five. "You are pretty good, you ever thought about joining the team?" she asked smiling.

"eh not really I just kind of do it for fun."

"Well you should so do it, its so much fun tryouts are Tuesday, you should really tryout" she said.

"Yeah you should, you have skills!" Jamie said running over to me and giving me to puppy face. I laughed and then looked at both of them.

"Ill think about it." they smiled and jumped up and down like little kids and I laughed.


Later that night

"Go get the door Zayn" I said sitting on the couch next to harry watching the game.

"No, you go" he said as he acted like he was into the game too.

"fine" I said laughing as I got up and answer the door seeing Amy. "Oh hey Amy" I said smiling at her and she smiled back then looking at the boys.

"Hi boys" she said with her cheeks turning rosy and I laughed, she had a huge crush on all them specially Zayn, but he's taken so shes out of luck.

"Come on lets go to my room." I said walking up to my room.

"so I heard that you are trying out for the girls football team?" she said jumping up and down more excited then me.

"actually I said I'll think about it, but I actually might." I said giving her a smile. "yay!" she said then sat on my bed.

"So, whats going on with you and David" she asked cooing to me.

"um nothing, just friends" I was looking in the mirror at my hair.

"oh come on, we both know.. we all know that you and him got a little thing going on between you guys." she said getting up and looking at my nail polish.

"nah, just friends" I said shrugging.

"But you do like him dont you? I mean its obvious that you guys both like each other so dont lie.

"Okay, okay maybe I may like him a little" I said as my cheeks start to heat up. "he's just so ugh, I don't know hes so sweet and cute and just amazing!" I said.

"aww, well I think he might like you too" she said smiling giving me a wink.

"Really? You think so? " I asked curiously.

"yeah, I mean you can so tell, its so obvious!"

I smiled big I could tell I was blushing but I didn't care. "I mean well yeah but why don't he ask me out if he did like me?" I said as my smile turn in to a slight frown.

"You know how guys are, and You know how us girls embarrassed to tell a guy we like them?" I nodded agreeing.

"Well true" I said.


Next Day After School

"Okay, I'm going to give you a number, what ever number I give you remember" the coach started counting out numbers. I was number 2. "One's over there" she pointed to her left. "Two's to my right!" She said pointing to her right side.

"Number one's get your jersey and let's play!" She said clapping her hands together as we all run out to the fields. I stretched my arms and back waiting for the kids to get their jersey.

Ariana gave me a wink and mouths "you will do great" I nod smiling, she was on the other team. "Ready. Set" then the coach whistles as we played.

I already had the ball dribbling it down toward the goal, then it got took away by the other team as they went toward my teams goal. I ran down the way toward the ball as someone from my team grabs the ball with their feet and passes it to me, I ran with the ball kicking it under people and faking them out soon I made it to the goal and kicked it.

"Great job Jones!" She said and I smiled.

After an hour of playing we finally finished. "Okay you guys can go to the locker room and change." She said and I walked back toward the locker room, and I changed into my clothes.

"You did amazing girl!" Jamie said.

"You really think so?" I said putting on my nice shirt and jeans.

"Yes amazing!" Ariana said and I smiled. "Thanks so did you guys. I should get going home though, you guys need a ride?" I asked.

No, Antonio is picking us up. But thanks" Jamie said and I smiled waving at them and walked out.

I got my keys out my purse humming till I heard someone talking in the art room, sounded like David. I started to walk toward the class and it was David.

"She's a nice girl, okay I just don't wanna do this anymore." I stop and stand outside the door leaning my ear toward the way I heard the voice. "Oh come on, don't tell me you feel bad" I heard a boy said and it sounded like Brad, I Just rolled my eyes.

"Look, Abigail is a great girl, I'm done with this game or bet of trying to see who can hook up with her faster or get it in first."

My mouth dropped. So this was all a joke. He didn't like me, he was playing their little game?

"Well I'm sorry but I actually.." I Interrupted before I let him say anymore.

"So I'm just a joke yeah?" I said trying to hold back tears not wanting them to see me cry.

"Abigail.." David said getting up walking toward me.

"No leave me alone.. I can't believe you."

"Abigail let me explain!!" He said but I didn't reply.

"I.. I hate you" I said running out the school as I felt tears fall down my face going to my car. I felts my wrist being grabbed and I turned around seeing David.

"Listen to me, I can explain. Please." he said as he stepped closer to me. I yank my hand from his wrist and open my door and hopped in my car starting it up and drives off.


You guys! i cant believe im at over 800 reads and 8 votes! yayyy! :D you guys are amazing! i might do a double update depends though. btw this is some what a filter chapter to didn't come out the way i wanted to cause i wanted to add a few things, but the next chapter should be interesting :D

anyways thank you guys for reading!

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