Chapter 37

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Abigail POV:

"Shut up and sit down!" Brandon said as he points a gun slowly towards me.

this cant be happening.

"Tyler w-" I was cut off.

"I said shut up!" Brandon shouts.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, I just cant seem to shut up. I move back toward Harry and Zayn.

"Because, I told you I will get you back. I warn you." He said. "You got me in trouble then you got David in trouble, You could have kept you're mouth shut but you didn't." he said then moving the gun slowly to Zayn. "and you, this had nothing to do with you. But you had to get involved."

"Because shes my sister." Zayn said not seeming scared at all.

"blah blah blah, I don't care" he still had the gun aimed at Zayn and I move right in front of him.

"Don't!" I shouted with tears streaming down my face and he rolls his eyes.

"Cant you just drop this, let the past be the past, please."

"Oh shut up, You will get your turn next Abby" He smirks. "now move."

"No" I said.

He nodded at David and Tyler , they move toward me and David and Tyler comes to me grabbing my arm and I scream and kick and David puts his hand over my mouth moving me out the way and I bite into his hand.

"Let me go!" I scream he hold me tight as I keep kicking and screaming.

Brandon chuckles and loads the gun.

"NO!" I screamed "Don-"

The door busted open and Taylor comes into sight and stabs him in the back of the neck, he drops the gun as he fell to his knees.

"Go!" she tells Zayn and Harry.

"No i'm not leaving her here." Zayn said

"I said go! go n-" the sound of the gun boomed in my ears, Tyler shot Taylor in the head and I screamed as I bite his arm as hard as I can to get out of his grip. He didn't let go, soon David let go of me and punches Tyler in the face as hard as he can and Tyler falls to the ground.

"Go Abigail " He says.

"What.. what are you do-"

"Go he has back up, their a few more coming get out of here now." I nodded as I run over to Taylor.

"Taylor!" I said shaking her but no answer. "Taylor!" I said turning her over on her back and blood coming out of her mouth.

"Abby we have to go!" Harry yells and I sign as I get up and run I hear two gunshot I turned around seeing Zayn on the floor.

"Zayn!! " I screamed

and I black out.

"Abby wake up!" I hear in the dark. I cant see anything I just hear someone saying my name, sounds like mum.

"mum.." I said still cant see nothing.

"Yes sweetie wake up." she said my eyes felt heavy as I open them slowly.

I'm sitting in the car with my mum and dad and Zayn. Mum, and Zayn are looking at me with worry faces.

"W-What" I said as I look around. We are in a drive way of a big blue house, it looks close to the house in my dream but it looks to have only one floor not like the house in my dream.

"Whats going on?" I asked.

"I think you had a bad dream sweetie, but its okay you're fine." she said and I look over at Zayn and give him a tight hug and he hugs me back.

"What happen in that dream of yours? You had a dream about me, I knew you would miss me." he smirks and mum and dad chuckle. I fake laugh and takes a deep breath in and out. It was only a dream.

We got out the car and looked at the house, I still cant believe how real that dream seem. The feelings, The screams, the friends it all seemed so real.

We walk toward the house standing in front of it, its only one floor house but it was a really big wide long house.

"Abigail" someone said my name I turn around seeing Harry. I ran into his arms hugging him tight as he try and catch his balance.

"Whoa. you must be excited to see me." he laughs.

"I am, I'm just glad your here" I said. So this means that us dating wasn't real, and the music career wasn't real either.

"Harry" I said. I decided to tell him how I feel, because you really do only live once, and one day that person might be there but the next day that person could be gone.


"um.. You might not know this. But I've had a crush on you for awhile now" I said biting my bottom lip softly.

He chuckled, why is he laughing.

"I know you do, Zayn text me and told me." He said. Wait how did Zayn know? I looked over at Zayn and he winks.

Wait, could he have had the same dream?

"What happen in that dream of yours? You had a dream about me, I knew you would miss me."

I let out a breath I didn't realized I was holding. He did.

"Soo.." I said.

"I like you too. I was just waiting for you to tell me you liked me." He smiled and I smiled widely.

He gave me a soft kiss on the lips and I smile back against his lips and kissing him back gently. He smiles then walk inside to Zayn.

"Hi, Im Casey." I turned around noticing a girl standing next to me.

"I'm Abigail"

"Nice to meet you, You must be new around here?" she asked and I nodded.

"You will love it." she said smiling. "If you need anything just asked I live right next door." she said pointing to the house next to mine.

"Thank you" I smiled and then a car pulls in the driveway behind our car it was Louis, Liam, and Niall.

"Oh- Oh my god." she slaps my arm repeatedly getting my attention and I laugh.

"I-is is that..?"

They get out the car and Zayn and Harry came out the house. Casey mouth was open so wide, She might catch a fly soon if she don't shut her mouth soon.

"Its.. its ONE DIRECTION!!" she screams in my ear next thing I know I hear screaming girls running crowding around. Wow crazy how you can saying 'one direction' and people turn around and look at you like you said their name.

"How do you know them!!??" she screams.

"Wait! that's why you look familiar! you're Zayn's sister right?" she asked.

I smiled. "Yes, Im Zayn's Sister"

And I wouldn't change it for the world.

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