Chapter 31

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Abigail POV:

"pass it over here!" Ariana said to Ashley who is another member on the team she kick it over to her and Ariana smiled at me as she passes the ball to me and I dribble the ball with my feet underneath girls passing back to Ariana.

It was Saturday football game, really wish my family could of came but my parents had to work and the lads, well we know why.

"Come on girls!" someone called out in the crowed. "You can do it! come on!"

Ariana passed the ball to another girl and the girl kicked it to me as I dribble the ball again with my feet and fake kick to the left which the girl on the other team went for then I kicked it on the right to the goal and made it. The crowed scream and the team came running to me as we all hug.

"You did amazing with you're foot work! where did you learn that!" Ariana ask me and I laugh.

"Thanks, I learn it from my brother and at my old school. We use to play footbal all the time.

"your brother can play football?!" she asked.

"Yes, so can the others."

"wow I guess it is possible for hot guys to do it all." she grins and I laugh hard.

"But they cant dance" I wink.



I huff rolling on my side, its to early for people to be calling me. I looked at the time seeing 11:30am. Well still its to early for me.

"Are you up yet?" Zayn asked throught the phone.

"Yeah, yeah im on my way out the door now." I lied.

"You better be, you have to be here at 12:30pm, its important" he said.

I rolled my eyes knowing he cant see me as I got out the bed. "why am I needed again?" I asked.

"stop asking questions and come" he said and hung up. Oh how nice of him.

I got up and got dress doing my usual routine brush my teeth, wash my face, shower, clothes and fix my hair. After a couple minute I was ready to go and I headed to the studio.

Zayn and I walk to the office sitting on the bench outside of the office waiting.

"so what does he want to talk about? what did I do?" I asked Zayn.

"Just calm down and relax okay." Zayn laughs and rubs my back. I wasnt really never because ive talk to him before and hes a nice person but usuallly the only time I see him if the boys are talking to him. After waiting for what seems forever I was finally told that Simon would like to see me, I asked Zayn to come with me and he nodded as we walked in the office.

"Hello Adalyn." He smiles at me.

"Hello Mr. Cowell" I smiled back.

"I told you before you dont have to call me Mr. Cowell, Take a seat" he chuckles.

"Oh yes, sorry" I fake laugh along and seat down.

"So your brother and the other lads let you sing with them for the pass few concert, and I must say you have so much talent." He smiles. I nod not really knowing what am I suppose to say.

"So I was wondering if you was serious about being a singer?"

"Uh" speak Abigial speak. You've always talked about being famous.

"I mean I thought about it but.."

"well what would you say if I sign you to my record label? I would love to work with you and if you are any like you're brother im sure I can handle you" I look over at and Zayn and he smiles at me.

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