Chapter 29- What's Behind the Eight Ball

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Mom had the car parked right by the entrance, so thankfully we didn't have that much further to walk

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Mom had the car parked right by the entrance, so thankfully we didn't have that much further to walk. She was already seated in the passenger seat, knowing my Dad would want to drive and had the back door open so Dad could easily give me a hand up to jump in the back, right next to Brynn.

Brynn grabs my hand as soon as I was seated next to her and my Dad closes the door and jogs to the other side. When he climbs in he chuckles looking at my Mom, "Guess we get to double date after all."

I groan, Mom giggles, and Brynn just gives me a sympathetic grin.

This was not what I had in mind. I spent from the moment she said she'd go out with me planning a special night with Brynn, which got sabotaged by her negligent father and so I was willing to settle on a few hours and now this.

"Why the long face?" Brynn whispered to me while we were tortured by my parent's musical selections. My Mom currently is singing along happily to some Boyz II Men ballad. UGH!

I look at her and this isn't what I wanted. I'm happy that she's here but I just wanted to make this special, something to remember me by, just incase she does walk away someday or perhaps my plan is to treat her so well that thinking about tonight would make her realize she'd have to be crazy to walk away. I don't know... in all the times I pictured this in my head never it my wildest was I headed to the emergency room, with my foot throbbing and parents doing a duet to "I'll Make Love To You."

Really parents? Have a heart...and eww.

"I'll make this up to you, I promise," I tell her and she gives my hand a squeeze.

"I don't know what you're so worried about I'm having a brilliant time," she tells me.

I make a face at her, which I hope shows both my disbelief and belief that she is talking utter nonsense.

She laughs and it lightens my mood.

"No... really. They're pretty good," she says thumbing to my parents, in the front seat.

When a Nirvana song came on and my Dad turns it up saying, "This is my jam." I just gave her my "Puhleaze" look and she laughs again.

Thankfully it was a short trip to the ER and so the karaoke session was over. Now the real fun begins...NOT.

My parents sign me in having all the appropriate cards and information and Brynn and I take a seat to wait. If this is anything like my other trips to the ER and being involved in sports there have been many, this will probably take forever.

She takes a seat one away from me but before I can wonder why she reaches down and picks up my injured foot and places it on her lap. "It will feel better if its elevated."

Within seconds the throbbing is less. I smile. "So how is that you know so much about all this stuff?"

She looks down at my foot and back up at me, "My mom. Spent a lot of time in and out of hospitals, and taking care of her at home with my Gran."

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