Captainswan #1 (Ouat)

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Killian POV

I knocked on the door. Swan I called. Her father David opened the door. Killian what a nice surprise. Is Emma here I asked . No I taught she was with you hè said. She didn't show up on our date and she didn't pick up her Phone I said to him so I figured that she was home mabye. No she isn't . Snow hè called. What is wrong David she asked. Emma is missing I said. I will call Regina mabye she is with Henry she said. David got his coat I will go look by Granny's. I nodded. Snow came back. She isn't with Henry or Regina. I will go look for her in the woods your husband is looking for her at granny's I said to her. Just find her she said to me . I turned around and runned to the woods.

Emma POV

I was driving to the harbor where Killian would take me out to sail. Suddenly I heard my car making a strange noise. And then my car stopped. No no no not now I taught by myself. I got out of my car and saw smoke coming out of the hood. I signed. I openend my car to get my Phone but I couldn't find it. I signed again my Phone still was at home. I looked around me I only saw trees. Great i'm stuck in the middle of the forest . I opened the hood and tried to make the car. When I was done I got in the car all my clothes sat under oil. I tried to start the car but I noticed that I had runned out of bezine. So I decide to walk.

After walking a while I heard someone scream Emma. And not just any Someone but Killian.

Killian POV

I was Running throw the woods while I was screaming Emma . I was worried that mabye something happend to her. Her dad texted me that she wasn't at Granny's. At that moment I heard someone shout Killian. I looked up to where the sound came from. I heard it again. Emma I shouted. Killian she shouted again. I runned to where the sound came from. And there was my Beautiful Swan coverd in dirt and oil. I runned to her and hugged her with al my strength. Killian she said I can't breath. Oops sorry love i'm just happy that you're okey. She smiled afcourse i'm okey I had just some car problems. I smiled and kissed her. Why didn't you call . I forgot my Phone . I smiled again. Lets go home and than I will make you some Tacos and you can shower. That sounds wonderful she said smiling. I texted her dad that I found her

Emma POV

We openend the door from my house and walked inside. When we walked in I saw my parents in bed. Seriously again I said. Everytime when some body here is going to make Tacos you guys are laying in bed doing something that I didn't want to know I said to them. At that moment we all laughed. I will just make Tacos Killian said akward while he was walking to the kitchen.
I'm leaving in a few minutes so I taught I post one more.

See you guys in a few weeks


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