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        The day I met him, I knew he would be the one for me. We were in high school. I was  junior and he was a sophmore. I met him through similar friends. He didnt talk much but that was ok. To me I looked at his shyness as a challenge. You see I was completely opposite of him. I was a social butterfly. I had many friends and loved making new ones. Every lunch I would make my rounds to each of the clicks I was in and his was my last stop during lunch. We didnt have any classes together which made getting to know him difficult.  His name is Chad and my name is Danielle, and this is the story of our adventure called life. 

         To start off with I need to rewind life back a few years, back to the high school years. It was my jonior year, and school had just started. At the time Chad and I didnt know eachother. Of course at that time I didnt really hang out in the same click as him. No I hung out with two different groups, the friends I made my freshman year and the cheerleaders. Now I wasnt a cheerleader, and I had no intention on becoming one, yet my loudness and fun spirit was what made me become with the cheerleaders.  The beginning of the school year was the time that I began hopping to different groups including Chads group,and making lots of friends. As the year went by I didnt exactly talk to Chad, we just had a few simlar friends and we all just hung out at lunch. He didnt know it, but when I would see him in the halls I wanted to talk to him, yet for some strange reason I was to shy. Me shy? Yea that was one werd thing for me. Saddly it was my shyness that kept me from talking to him more. 

     Fast forwarding to the end of the school year and a Saterday night sleep over with an old friend. My friend was having issues with boys. You know finding the right one, and I was well, really good at putting people together.  As we were talking, I was scrolling through my friends on Facebook. Pointing out the "cute" guys who were as far as I knew single. When we got to Chad I kind of smiled and told her about Chad. She seemed interested and so I told her I would talk to him about maybe getting together with some friends so they could meet.  Before I could set them up though, my friend had met a guy and she well liked him so then I took a chance and asked Chad out on a double date with my friend and her new boyfriend.  When I had a chance that Monday after the sleep over, I asked Chad on the double date and well he completely turned me down. Not because I was ugly or anything like that, but simply because we really didnt know eachother.  The next few weeks were akward within the group but I couldnt let that bother me because I had a huge competition comming up. You see I was in the choir and our school was competing against a bunch of schools. The competition was a Music competition so the band was also apart of the competion. Now that ment that Chad would be at the competion too.

want more to read? Comment and tell me what you guys think. Next chapter will be how exactly Chad and I... well stay tooned for more story.

       It was May 7th, a Wednesday I believe 


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