Chapter 2

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         The day went by fast. My group did end up finding Chads group and we all ended up as one big group. That was until Chad and his friends decided to go get food. My group had aready eaten so we split from Chads group. But just before Chad left he turned and gave me a hug and said bye. At the time neither my grandmother nor Chads father knew we had started dating, but then kind of figured things out after that hug. By this time we had ridden every ride in the park at least once, so we decided to just go sit in the awards ceromony room and wait for it to start.  The ceromony was to start in like 45 min so the girls and I decided to sing while we waited. There were a few people in the room with us, mostly from different schools. As we sang we deffentaly got some strange looks but we didnt care because we were having fun. Like always when your having fun the time went by fast and soon everyone in the competition was squished into one room and waiting to see who won the competition.  The band from out school won 2nd place. The choir won two awards. The first was an over all enthuastic award. It was an award given to the group who encouraged not only the people in their own group, but every group that competed.  The second award was....drum roll please....1st place over every group! We were so excited! As a school we did great! It was our first time in the competition all together and we worked super hard. All the work had payed off. 

      So now you know how Chad and I finally started dating. But theres still a lot more story here to tell. I dont know how long this story will be, but thats what makes it fun. I know from the title of my book you are probably expecting someone who is actually training everyday and going through the military life. In some instances I am. No I am not the one who went through the training, but in a way I am. You see I am the support for Chad who had done everything he can to provide a wonderful life for us. He is the reason I write this story. I believe that its not just the one whos serving who is millitary, but also the family who supports the serving is Military too. I may be new to the whole life but I look at it just like any other adventure in my life. Its a life for me to learn many things from as well as something to make me grow. I am young yes and so is Chad, but without him I would never become what I will later in my life. Now with that being said, the next few chapters will be more of a fastforward to when Chad first leaves to basic.

      A week after the competition and when Chad finaly asked me out, it was my birthday. I had already talked to Chad the night before about where we were going for dinner and a few other things he had planned since once I got to school I knew I would be ambushed by my girls. I pulled up to my school and Chad stood there only a few feet away from my car. He stood there and smiled at me. I gave him a hug as I got out and he grabbed my school books, As we entered the office, a few of the teachers said happy birthday to me. All was calm until I got to my locker which had been COVERED in wrapping paper and bows and balloons. When I opened my locker my girls came running over and snging loudly and abnoxiously. Chad just laughed at them and handed me my books and then he was off to go hang with his friends giving me some time with my girls.  After I set my backpack down in my class, I went to find my new boyfriend which wasnt to hard because he was with his friends who were always where the fussball was.  After the bell rang for class, the day seemed to bo by fast with every class singing happy birthday and a few parties because it was the end of the year.

     That night Chad and I planned on going to dinner and a movie. Our first date, one I will never forget. It was a little akward but it was nice. We went to dinner at a small sushi restraunt which was just accrost from the movie theater. After we ate Chad told me to choose what movie we went to see. Well I chose Sucker Punch because well it looked cool and apperentally I didnt know the whole story. Chad was so cute, he was all like are you sure. Of course I just laughed and he got the tickets and we went into the movie. When we came out there was a little akwardness between us simply because i was a little embarassed. That feeling slowly went away when as we exited the Movie theater because it was raining and I didnt have a coat. And we had already planneed to walk over to the mall. Chad didnt have a jacket either, but he did have a long sleve on which he took off and put around me as we walked over to the mall. When we got there we simply walked around for a little until we got to my favorite place in the mall; Bath and Body works. Chad told me to pick out something I liked. So we went around  the while store smelling all of the perfume. When we got to the end of the store, I couldnt remember which was my most favorite, but Chad remembered and he had held onto the bottle the whole time we were looking. It made me smile because even though we just started dating, he already seemed to know me pritty well. He was already being super sweet to me. All the ladies working at the shop were so pleased and so was I. After the shopping at Bath and Body works, it was time to go home. And the day was done. It was a fun day, very enjoyable.

      That night was one of the first nights in a long time that I wasnt stressed or worried about going home. You see halfway through the school year, my family was going through some rough patches. My step mother and I seemed to be arguing more and more each day. It was a very hard thing for me and my grades were slipping and I wasnt really my self at school. It finally got to the point where I decided to move out. Yes at the age of 17 I decided it would be better to move in with my grandmother and give space between my step mom and I. My dad did calm me down and I told him the only way I would stay would be if we all went to some type of counceling. I gave him a month to set up just one counceling visit, and it never happened, so I moved out. My dad didnt really say anything because he to moved out when he was 17. And he could see things wernt getting better at home. So when my birthday came along and I was with Chad, I was still moving between homes. Now Chad knew a little about it, but nothing to big at the time. He really did make me feel better about myself. 

      Fast forwarding to the first birthday of Chads that we spent together. It was supposed to be a surprise, but every time Chad and I were together he would beg to know what I had planned. So a week before his birthday I finally told him we were going to a new vegitarian restraunt that just opened. Now what you should know about Chad is he absolutely HATES his veggies. He wouldnt even come near them if he could help it.  So when I told him were we were going he was supper bummed all week but he didnt want to upset me and tell me he didnt want to try it. What he didnt know was that we were going somewhere I knew he would absolutely love, one of the best barbeque places in town, I had made reservations and even had them set the table with a few happy birthday stuff I took over.  When his birthday came Chad had no idea that we wernt going to the veggie restarunt I had made up, so when we pilled up to the barbque place he was just speachless. His face was priceless and red from shock. When we got to our seat I asked him what he thought of the veggie restraunt and he just laughed. He loved his surprise.

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