Chapter 1

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   Wow sorry it took me a while to post this one. Life suddenly got busy the past wekk or so. Anyway as promissed Chad and I... well keep reading to find out.

   It was May 6th, a Tuesday I believe . Everyone who was in choir or band were running around the school like chickens with their heads cut off. This day was a very crazy yet important day for the school, and the next day even more impotrant than I knew it would become. It was just about seven in the morning when we had finaly were all loaded up and were heading to the competition. The drive was about an hour to two hours long. Yet the drive seemed to go by so fast with my friends and I dancing and singing like crazy all the way there. When we finally got to the hotel and with about 75 to 80 kids all together we had to wait squished in the loby.  Somehow I ended up near Chad and his band mates. I didnt want to look at him or really even talk to him as there was still that akwardness between us.  It only took ten minutes or so for my name to be called with a few other girls to get our room key and head up to our room.  I was handed the room keys because we didnt have a mother in our room and I was the as we all put it the mother of the room. So once we got to the room we all decieded who was going to have what bed and who got stuck with the pull out bed. We didnt have long to decide because we had to get ready for our competition that night.  

         I hurried to get my choir uniform on and then just sat on my bed watching the other three girls fuss over room in the bathroom. They all were putting on make-up and doing their hair. Me I just let my hair do whatever like usual, I had a pixy cut so that made getting ready pritty easy. After one of my friends named Tabbitha finished getting all dolled up she came out of the bathroom with her whole make-up box and gave me her evil up to something look. I laughed at her because I knew what she was going to do next. I hated make-up, a lot. So after five minutes of being chased around our room all the girls finally got me to sit down and let them do my make-up  along with doing my hair. You see I never need make-up because I have that natural beauty thing. You know those natural read lips that llook like you have lipstick on but you dont, and Ive always had those rosey cheeks along with those long dark eye lashes.  Yet after one of my friends told me a certain someone had been looking at me when we  all were in the loby waiting for our keys, I decided why not. Oh and not to mention I was allready dressed in a knee length black skirt and a black t shirt that had to be tucked in and rain boots. Yes rain boots. Our choir was doing a song called Singing in the Rain, so we dressed the part and we even had a dance for the song. 

     We all gathered up our jackets and props for the competition and headed to the loby where the band (who was mostly made up of guys) were already ready to leave. There were a few seats still open so my friends and I took a seat as we waited or the rest of the choir.  As we were talking Tabbitha elboed me and then whispered in my ear " You know hes looking at you right now dont you?" I looked towards where Chad was standing and smiled. The smile quickly went away when I started thinking why on earth did this guy keep looking over at me. I mean he made it clear he didnt like me. I just rolled my eyes and pretended the rest of the night not to pay attention to Chad looking at me.  Fast forwarding to after the band and choir gave their best, we all went to dinner at this really cool place where the food sucked but the decor was AMAZING and fun. Once again as we were in line, I found myself next to Chad and his friends. We all began to talk and decided to all sit near eachother since there wernt any big tables left to seat us together.

       The night went fast. After dinner we all headed back to our hotels. We didnt get back until after the pool was supposed to be closed, but the hotel manager kept everything open until like 2 in the morning so that we could get all of our highschool kid energy out of our system. We all changed into out school dress code appropiate pjs. There were kids EVERYWHERE! Some were playing games in the halls or watching movies in the breakfast area. Some were even doing a scavenger hunt that our teachers made for us. My friends and I decided to go swimming so we all got into our bathing suits. My friends all had to wear t-shirts over their bathing suits because they were not in dress code. Mine was well on the lines of being in dress code, so i took a t-shirt but once I was in the water I didnt wear the shirt. I was surprised that the pool wasnt super crouded. When we walked int othe pool area I saw a few of the band members who were also friends with Chad, but I didnt see Chad. Anyway we all set our towels on a chair, Tabby and I set our glasses on the chair as well and made our blinde walk over to the deep end of the pool. We decided to catch all the guys off gard and splash them. On the count of three the four of us jumped in cannon style and splashed them which caused a splash fight. As we splashed and had a good time I slowly was backing away from the fight and I accidently ran into someone. I was Chad and suddenly I was in his arms and he wsa shouting that I was trying to get away. I started squirming and trying to get away but he had me in his grip and I couldnt get away. My girls tried to "save me" from being splashed by all the guys but that didnt work so finaly I poked Chads side hoping he was tickelish and well he was and he let go. We all laughed a good laugh and the girls and I decided to get in the hot tub for a little. 

   Sitting in the hot tub, we whispered about which guys were cute and about Chad turning me down and what not. One of my friends "kept an eye out" making sure the guys couldnt hear us as we giggled and talked about them. When suddenly all the guys were talking and whispering we all got closer together ready for another water fight or something like that. But that didnt happen, no Chad and only Chad got out of the pool and joined us girls in the hot tub. The girls and I were just confused at that point. Chad started the conversation between me and him. I didnt see the girls up and leave me as I was talking to him either.  We talked alot that night,, mostly about our favorites and our friends. He walked me back to my room after we got out of the hot tub and we decided to meet up in the loby and hang out a little more. Some how we ended up playing Uno for a while and then just decided to walk the halls of the hotel and talk. It was nice talking to him, but my heart was torn because there was just something about him that made me feel safe and get the butterflies and I knew it wasnt just a crush. That thought crossed my mind all night and finally at midnight I decided I needed to get some sleep so once again Chad walked me back to my room and that was that.

       The next day, May 7th, we all had to get up around 7 in the morning and put all of our luggages in the cars. We still had the awards ceromonie to go to but that wasnt until like 6 that night. So to make the time go by faster we went to 6 Flags for the day, but it didnt open until 10 in the morning so everyone was everywhere in the hotel for 2 or 3 hours.  I was up at 6 in the morning so that I could shower first  and have a fresh breakfast. My stuff was already packed in the car by 6:30 because my grandmother was one of the shapporones.While I was down stairs getting breakfast a fimalar face entered the breakfast room. It was Chad.He came over and said hi and started digging into the hot chocolate and other consumable  things. We sat down in the loby because there wasnt alot of room in the breakfast room to sit. We talked while we ate, but after breakfast there was an akward silence as we waited for our friends to join us for a brutal game of Uno.  Only a few showed up and they wanted to go swimming. Me already being packed didnt want to go try and find my grandmother just to go swimming in an already packed pool for only like 30 min.  So I decided I would go back to my room for a little and watch some TV while Chad and our friends went swimming. It wasnt that long after everyone went swimming that I got a knock on the door. I was surprised as I answered it because it was Chad. I stepped out of the room to talk to him and next thing I knew we were once again walking down the halls of the hotel talking about everything.  

         We ran into a few of my girlfriends and the girls pulled me away because everyone was supposed to be meeting in the loby for a quick meeting. Chad went and found his buddies and then they headed to the lobby. My friends kept looking at me and just smiling. You know that evil look of tell me everything that happened with you and Chad. As in are you two dating and if not then WHY NOT! I pulled my friend Tessa to the side and told her that she should tell Chad to make up his mind and either ask me out or stop flirting with me. I chose her to help me because she was also friends with Chad so it wasnt to wierd for her to well give him a good kick to the butt to hurry him up on making a decision. After she went over there she came back with the biggest smile on her face and said nothing to nobody. A few seconds after Tessa came back to my girls, Chad came over and pulled me aside. As he did Tessa and I looked at eachother and I started blushing. 

         Next thing I knew Chad was saying six words I never thought I would hear from him; "Will you go out with me". Of course that wasnt the first thing he said thats all I remember hearing because well I lost my thought when I looked him in his eyes.  If you knew me, you know Im very scarstaic and always joaking with people. So I answered his question with "Your asking me out because I looked so darn awesome in my bathing suit huh?" but before he sould answer I laughed and asked why not two weeks ago when I asked you out? He kind of blushed and answered that he just wanted to get to know me better first. Now of course I was going to say yes but I let hil hang without an answer until it was time to load up. The girls and I decided to try to hang out with Chads group while we were at Six Flags. But when we got there they had already gone in and we had no clue where they were so then we decided to hang with them if we ran into them.

  Well another chapter down. More to come. Got a question let me know and my favorite question will be answered in the next chapter. Thanks for reading. Ill have another chapter within the next week. :)

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