What happens when the most powerful woman team up with the Avengers? Will everything be okay or will the team parish? Will they fall in love? Will they have to choose who to be with? Join Katrina, Joe and Skyler in the adventures of a life time. T...
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Joe's POV:
I'm walking to the courtyard when I hear multiple people yelling, "Eat! Eat! Eat" I sigh and walk over to the chanting people and push past the crowd. When I get there, I see my older brother Flash trying to make a kid eat five corn dogs. I was just about to say something when I hear:
"Put him down, Eugene."
I look over at the person who spoke and it's none other than Peter Parker. My idiotic brother drops the kid he was holding and swaggers over to Peter, then proceeds to punch him in the gut. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder while he is ranting on and on about who wanted to go next. When he faces me, I yank his ear and drag him out of the crowd and into the janitor's closet. I finally let go of his now red ear.
"Why the hell did you do that for?" he asks. I raise my hand and slap him straight across face. All you could hear was smack. He immediately whips his hand to his now red hand marked cheek. "What the hell Joe? Why the fuck did you do that for?!" I just roll my eyes and counter his question with my own. "Why do you bully people, Flash?" He looks at me with his silver greenish eyes and says, "You know why I do it Joe, you know." I look at him in shock.
"It's not right Flash, and you know it." This time Flash rolls his eyes, sighs, and turns away from me. I take my hand and put it on his chin and make him face me. Flash shoves my hand away and asks, "Why do you even care about what happens to those losers?" "I care because it's not right and you know it," I respond, sounding like my mother. He sighs and pushes me to the wall then walks out.
I follow him out into the hallway and yell at him down the hall, "You're even more of a jerk than mom and dad told you to be." He stops dead in his tracks, faces me, and quickly walks over to me. "Don't you dare tell me what they think of me, you have no right to tell me anything. You're not my mother." With that, he walks off to his next class.
Timeskip to after school
I was on my way home from school when I hear something in the alley nearby. Me, being the curious and just slightly idiotic person that I am, decide to go into the alley. "Hello? Is anyone in here?" I ask. There was no answer.
I hear a noise behind me and quickly turn around to see no on there. I finally start to get creeped out and slowly start to walk out. I feel a tickle going down my neck and quickly slap whatever it was. After a few moments, I start to get drowsy and run home.
When I get home, I quickly open the door and collapse on the couch then pass out. When I wake up, I sleepily open my eyes to see that I was in my room. I turn my head to the side and see my brother sitting on the side of my bed. "Well hey, guess who's awake." I turn to face him and ask, "How long have I been out?" "About 4 hours," was the reply.
I slowly sit up and rest my head on the headboard while rubbing my eyes a bit. "What happened to you?" Flash asked. Well look who's concerned.