Then some shit happened

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Naruto pov
When the man in the carriage came around and gave Tsunade the letter.
Me and the others were outside tending to the garden when Tsunade came and started yelling at us.
"Get off your asses and make my children bueatiful!! Now! Sakura gets naruto, tenten gets shikamaru, ino gets kyuubi, sai gets lee and kiba get the carriage ready. I want them to sparkle and shine. Every nobility in the nation is coming and we were hand picked to go! So everyone needs to be bueatiful." She yelled. And we all got up to attend to our new jobs.
I ran to try to keep up with this women.
"Naruto I want to be ingaged to prince sasuke by the end of tonight. Which means I need to look absolutely stunning. Can you do that for me?" She says sitting down in her chair.
"Yes, sakura sama." I said going into her closet pulling out her favorite dress.
Her face looked absolutely unimpressed so what words I choose next would be watched most carefully.
"Sakura sama I think this dress will suit you perfectly. It's a bueatiful dress and it makes you look like the princess you are, plus it still shimmers and I am sure that will catch his eye." I said laying the dress on the bed.
Her eyes lit up like Christmas lights like she had just won the lottery.
"You really think he'll notice me if I wear, this dress?" She ask grabbing the dress.
"Yes, absolutely!! He'll just adore you. Like the princess you are." I said sealing the deal.
Hell I could care less what she wears, nothing can cover up her foul personality.

Shikamaru pov
"97......98......99.....100. Are you done now miss tenten?" I asked.
You see when tenten is nervous she does a series of exercises to try to calm herself down, or she just beats the shit out of one of us, most likely kiba.
Right now she just finished some push up.
"Yes, I am finished." She said laying in a pool of her own sweat.
"Then may I suggest a bath. And while your in there I can do your nails?" I said. Trying to figure out which color I should paint her nails.
But ten ten was an unforgiving women, no time wasted ever. So I picked some pink and white and went to start her bath, no time wasted for me or her.
Kyuubi pov
"I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!! Everything I own is ugly! Everything!! I need a new dress! I need new everything." Ino yelled throwing everything she owned on the floor.
I wasn't going to lie.... She has horrid taste. I mean i adore all the casual clothing she owned but her other clothing was terrible. Until she throw out this beautiful wedding dress.
"THAT" I said picking it up and walking over and holding it up to her body.
"This will make you stand out as the most gorgeous women in the castle, prettier than the most privileged women their. You'll be a princess" I said.
A cricket smile spread across her face and she took the dress in with her to the bathroom. Leaving me to clean the humongous mess that lay on my floor.
Lee pov
"Please, master sai." I said begging for the hundredth time.
"Please, what?" He said like he wasn't doing anything.
"Please stop groping my butt" I whispered.
Sai wasn't the worse person I could have gotten but he gets a little too touchy feely.
"Your right. I like em plump and just right like an overgrown peach." He said finally taking his hand of my ass.
"Is their something in particular that you'd like to wear?" I asked looking at the many crop tops and capris that lined his closet.
"I'll wear a black shirt and white pants with my white jacket that screams 'big daddy come get me!'" He yelled jumping back on his bed.
Other than his foul language and wondering hands sai is pretty easy to deal with. He's not really a snot like the rest of tsunade's kids and sometimes he's even 'nice'.
I pulled out the clothing and tried another half an hour to get him into the bath to get him clean, it's going to be a long day.
Kiba pov
I had cleaned the carriage and top to bottom and there was not a speck of dirt left. I had even gave the carriage a new coat of white and gold paint which made all the difference.
"Excuse me sir? Are you by any chance good with carriages?" Someone asked.
I turn to see a well dressed man.
"I wouldn't say I was a expert but I could take a look at it really quick." I said whipping my paint covered hands on my dirty clothing.
The man lead me to this beautiful behemoth of a carriage with green and gold carvings, four black sleek hourses connected. Definitely one of royalty.
The man stopped and ushered me to look at it and I hesitately approached the beauty.
"I think one of the wheels are broken because it won't drive straight." He said pointing to the wheels.
"I see....hold on ill be right back!" I said running back to the house.
When I got their I grabbed a candle lanter and my tools.
When I got back the man thought I was crazy because once I got the candle lite I didn't hesitate to crawl under the carriage.
I took a close look at it an ever screw was almost coming lose.
"I'm surprised you got anywhere with all these lose Bults. Your crafts man did wonderful but you got to make sure you get these things tightened, because no matter how well this beauty is put together it'll fall to waste not tighten the screws." I said without even thinking. There was a long pause and for a brief moment I was going to take it back but these poor people are going to be stranded one of these days.
After the last cut I was done. It took me about an half an hour but it was done, my hands stung bad and where covered in blood.
"That should do it. It'll run as straight as a ruler now, but I would definitely get it checked in the town." I said putting my tools away.
"Well,sir I'm sorry for the inconvenience I'll make sure schedule it." He said big smile on his face.
"My master has told me to give you this for all your hard work." He said handing me two gold pieces.
"No, no no No! I can not take this. It is way to much....I can't except this." I said pushing his hand back.
"Well my master implores you to take it. He says thank you." He says still holding his hands out.
"I couldn't possibly. Tell your master thank you but he has already rewarded me by giving me a chance to work on this magnificent carriage. Now I must hurry I still have a few chores to do." I said remember I still had to get the houses ready.
"May I ask you one more Imp-" he was cut off by a loud screech.
"You guys must go. If she sees that I help another stranger for free she'll have my head!" I said in a rush. I bowed and hurried down the road back to the house. Effortlessly jumping the fence and grabbing another canister of paint.
Naruto pov
It was now time for the girls to leave and everyone looked fantastic almost like civil people .

Naruto povIt was now time for the girls to leave and everyone looked fantastic almost like civil people

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Sai was already rushing them out the door

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Sai was already rushing them out the door. We on the other hand had to go to. We didn't think about it but you do need a man to walk you through the door and down the stairs. Their was a small trap door me could excape under as soon as they let go of us. I was proud of what sakura looked like. She was gorgeous all thanks to me.
"You'd better not embarrass me Naruto or I'll make you eat ash out the fire place." She said casual smilling.
I wouldn't dream of it.
When we all got to the top, the announcer called use.
"The most gracious tsunade and her 3 daughters and son.
The elegant ten ten
The most beautiful Sakura
The most gorgeous ino
And the dashing sai. With their escorts." And then we started our slow decent down the stairs. All eyes where on use, but the sooner we got them down the stairs, the sooner we were home free.
And the it was over. We were in and out like ninjas. You could see our relieved faces. We went straight to the front and drove home.
"We got 3 hours to kill. And we could all use some chill time." Kyuu said.
And we all knew what he ment: we were going to have fun in the yard. I stripped off my clothing into my boxers and tee and so did everyone else.
"We're home free!!" Yelled lee as he laid on the floor.
All we did was lay under the stars and talk about our week.
It was nice!

I'm not really a princess (a naruto yaoi story)Where stories live. Discover now