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"Happy birthday to you!" The song ended quicker than I wanted it to. It reminded me of another year, and twenty five years I'd already spent learning new things about my 'disability'. The past twenty five years seemed almost non existent.

"Thank you." I smiled once I blew out all of the candles. I'd already been given my presents, and it was nice getting to talk to the whole family. They'd gotten used to not being able to send their thoughts to me, and we talked a lot more. Mum had commented on how much the family was communicating since I was born.

College years had sucked. Just last year I'd graduated and gotten my degree in medicines. I had to explain to all of my tutors and all the students on campus about my 'difference'. Most of them just laughed at me or poked fun at me, but a couple of them stuck around. Callum and Jackson, but we just called him Jaxx. They were the only ones that thought it was cool to be different.

Despite everything, I felt safe inside my own head. Because I knew that nobody could tell what I was thinking, I felt safe inside my thoughts, and I could think what I wanted without being scared that other people would find out. I often confided in myself, and I was the first person I would turn to when things got difficult.

Dad had passed away when I was fifteen, but the grief still clung to my heart at the mere thought of him. He'd been involved in a bus crash on the way home from work. My nan was also in a wheelchair, unable to walk. At least she was still with us, though.

I was snapped from my thoughts at loud clapping, and I realised only a short second had passed. Mum took the cake from the table with a wide grin before carrying it through to the kitchen.

"So, what was your favourite gift?" My Uncle Terry asked from across the crowded living room. I was so used to it being just me, mum and my cat Xylo, and it made me slightly claustrophobic.

"I'm not sure," I lied, sweeping my brown gaze across the stacks of gifts. "I like them all." Of course the large pile of original Batman comics from Grandma Lily were my favourite, but I didn't want to shame my other relatives. However, I honestly didn't have a least favourite gift.

"The big 2-5 eh?" My Aunt Cali nudged me from the armchair beside mine as she put down her coffee. Aunt Cali had a caffeine problem, but refused to get it checked out.

"Yeah, I'm ancient." I replied in a playful sarcastic tone and she laughed. She was fifty later this year! Before she could say anymore, however, mum came back in with the cake cut into slices and a pack of thirty five paper plates and plastic forks. We all took a slice of the pure chocolate cake and I began to eat it, kicking an orange balloon as it strayed to close to my foot.

"So, I'm going out to the pub with Callum and Jaxx later tonight," I told mum as she sat beside me on the arm of the chair. "I won't be back until late." Pubs had gotten much quieter and were always pretty much silent.

"Don't drink too much though, and take a taxi!" Mum was very strict and had taught me to know my limits. Even on birthdays I stuck to those limits and always got a taxi there and back.

"Yeah, I know." I smiled, my voice muffled by the cake in my mouth. I kept my eyes fixed on mum for a moment before looking away before she could lock her green eyes on mine. Sometimes I really wished I could tell what people were thinking.


Soon it was time for everyone to go home, leaving me, mum and Xylo alone again. I slumped into the armchair and let out a tired sigh. "Birthdays are exhausting." I commented as mum began to clear away the plates.

"I know, Archer, but you have to admit they are fun." She let out a tired laugh as she walked into the kitchen again. I heard bouncing on the stairs and the mews of Xylo, seeking attention.

"Hey Xylo." I scooped the ginger tabby up and gave him a peck on the forehead. The cat never liked large crowds and often stayed upstairs when the family came around. He was used to strutting around as if he owned the place.

I heard a knock at the door and got up to answer it. I opened the door to see a man in a long white coat standing there and outside. A mask covered his face and he was holding a clipboard.

"Hello?" I tilted my head after some silence.

"You might want to come with me, Archer."

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