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-Dr. Ray's POV-

As soon as I heard the door shut, I sprang from the armchair and dashed into the kitchen to start dinner as he'd asked. I cut the vegetables and let them boil for the soup before setting the plates and cutlery down on the island. Thoughts ran through my head and the scene replayed in my head like a broken vinyl. Opening the door to the basement, I tip-toed down the stairs and unlocked and unbolted the room where Archer stayed.

He looked up from the newspaper, his dull eyes red and bloodshot. I remained silent and walked across to him, kneeling down to his level. "I'm going to get you out of here," I promised him confidently. "I just don't know when."

"I heard a door." Archer whispered.

"Yes.. Dr. Tim has gone out, but I don't know where."

His eyes lit up, and his cheeks tugged back into a small smile. "So you can get me out of here now!" He squeaked, tears clogging his throat.

"No I can't," I whispered sadly, looking at the filthy ground. "I can't undo the handcuffs and I don't have a key for the front door. The windows are reinforced glass.. They can't just be broken like regular windows."

My heart wrenched in my chest as Archer's face dropped. Tears started flowing uncontrollably and they made me start to cry. "I'm sorry, but I'm doing all I can."

When he said nothing, I stood up and walked across to the table, picking up the jar without looking at its contents. "I'll keep trying." I whispered before leaving the room, locking the door and heading back upstairs.

Once I'd placed the jar on Dr. Tim's desk, I walked through into my room. I opened the top drawer and took out the one of many cut out newspaper articles.

Madeline Ray declared dead after three-year search reveals no results.

I needed to get out of here. I had to see my baby girl again and my beloved husband. Ever since I'd first arrived I had tried desperately to escape, but I'd found nothing. But now it wasn't just my life I was saving, it was Archer's too.

I looked through all the articles, biting my lip to fight back the tears that threatened to fall as I saw all of the appeals my husband had been making. Why had nobody come to look here? I put them all back and slammed the drawer shut. I glanced out the window at the miles and miles of fields and trees. Living there would be better than living here. Anyway was better than here, and seeing Archer every day made me believe that more and more.

Stumbling out of my room, I half walked half fell down the stairs and slumped onto the armchair, staring at the ashes in the fire.

I needed a plan.

Hello everyone.
I apologise for the super late update, I haven't really had the muse and haven't paid much attention to wattpad. But I'm here now, and I hope you all enjoy the chapter. Sorry if it sounds rushed or short, I just wanted to get something up for you all.
Thanks for reading!
- Whisper

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