Part 19

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"Hey guys I brought them!" Brad says entering the room excited.
He puts on the floor a black bag and unzips it. It's full of new guns. They indeed seem better but I can't understand a lot. Brad puts the guns on the table and they all stare and admire them. They all took a gun in their hands and looked like they witnessed a miracle.
"This baby is going to take a lot of lives."
"They're absolutely perfect."
"I can't wait to shoot with this."
They are all smiling and holding carefully the guns and I can't help but laugh. They turn around and look at me. I'm still sitting on the couch away from them.
"What are you laughing at?"
"You're holding the guns like they're babies, so carefully."
"They're our babies."
"Come here. You need to pick one too."
I nod and stand up heading to them. Robert comes next to me and picks a gun up giving it to me. I hold it and he looks at me.
"Is this good?"
"I think it's a bit heavy."
"Okay. How about this one?" he says giving me another one.
"Yes, that's great. Can I have it?"
"Of course. We all already chose, you can take as many as you want."
"One is enough, thank you."
"Then it's yours baby."
He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me on the lips.
"Lovebirds break it."
We laugh and stop kissing.
"I think we should shoot and try the babies."
"You should be damn sure we will."

We all drove to a place that Robert brought me when he showed me how to shoot. We stayed there for a couple of hours shooting and getting used to the new guns. This gun I have now is way much better than the last one Robert gave me. I think it's even easier to shoot with it.

We went to different places to eat and soon we met again at Ian's house. Me and Luke turned on the laptops and the others opened the building designs on the table. We continued planning until it was getting dark outside.
"Guys I think we should go follow the trucks."
"Yes you're right. The facility is half an hour away from here."
"Some of us need to stay here. We can't all go."
"Me and Emma will take my motorbike, Robert and Aria will use Robert's car and Brad will take his car too. Frank you can join Brad. Luke needs to stay here to keep on hacking them. Ian needs to stay at his house if anything happens." Jason says and we agree.

We left and after half an hour were close to the facility and we were waiting for some trucks to leave so we follow them. We repeat the same thing almost everyday and we are almost sure which truck we'll attack. We see the first truck leaving and Jason and Emma goe behind it. We follow the second and Brad and Frank follow the third. Like the rest of the days they followed a standard road and stopped only 1 time. They got in a building with small bags of drugs and came out with bigger bags. We think that the bigger bags contain money. The whole ride takes 40 minutes. The other trucks do similar things but some don't sell drugs but they sell weapons.

We return to the house and soon we're all together.
"I think we should attack one of the trucks the moment when the one person leaves to give the drugs or weapons to the building. They won't have protection in the back of the truck then."
"What about the driver? Do we shoot him?"
"No we may need him. They may have facial recognition to get in."
"We must be quiet so he doesn't hear us."
"The driver doesn't leave the car so it's easy. When the second person puts the money back in the truck we'll get in quicly."
"We don't know what we'll do after that. What if we get in and they find us in the parking lot?"
"This is not going to happen. Someone will go to pick the money and we'll knock him out. Then we'll hide and stick with the plan."
"I don't know if that will happen. Someone will hear or see us there."
"Oh c'mon we'll just kill them all, I don't care. This is the easy part."
"He's right, that's the easy part. After that we have to be careful. We will attack them when they don't expect us so we'll have the advantage."
"Aria and Luke will do the same trick with the doors. They'll lock every door we don't need so the agents stay away from us."
"There are 6 of us now, we can take them down easier."
"Guys I think we're almost ready with the plan. Let's hope Dark doesn't show up when we're in."
"We'll be fast so even if he come he won't get us."
"Emma and Jason we have a rule. If someone gets hurt we continue with the plan and we go after him later. We don't stop and don't go back. Or at least we don't drag the rest of the team back with us. It's going to get us all killed."
"The rule is cool but I'm not sure I can stick with it."
"We won't be offended if you don't come back for us instantly. We know you will come for us as soon as possible."
"Okay let's hope no one gets hurt."

We worked hard the next days and we completed the plan. They are gettin in through the parking lot and we will be able to talk with them with the microphones they had before. The days passed and tomorrow is the attack day.

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