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^^3 years later. The twins are 3 and Ava is 8^^

Bella's pov

"Momma I'm 8 now I don't wanna ride in a car seat." Ava complained to me as she buckled up.

"Well baby it's the law you have to or mommy will get in trouble. But hurry up and get buckled we have to get to the doctor so mommy doesn't miss her appointment." I said as I looked in the review mirror at her.

"Okay mommy." Ava smiled showing her two missing front teeth. She's adorable.

"Do you wanna go to the doctor with me or go to aunt Malia's house?" I asked her as we pulled out the drive way.

"I wanna stay with you mommy. The twins are with her I want to be with you." She told me frowning at my question.

"Okay I was just making sure baby." I told her stopping at a stop sign.

"Can we stop at Starbucks?" She asked me.

"How bout we stop at Dunkin donuts and you get a donut and hot chocolate." I compromised since I didn't want her to drink coffee and be hyper at the doctors office.

"Okay. I want a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles." She told me as we pulled into the drive through at dunkin donuts.

Lately I've been just sick all of the time. I'm hoping I'm not pregnant again which is why we're going to the doctor today. This has been going on for a few weeks now and I don't know if Blake wants anymore kids. He's been taking his medicine like he's supposed to but I'm scared he'll stop taking it again.


Blake's pov

I just got home from work and Bella is in our room while the kids are sleeping. I got home later tonight because there was a lot going on at work.

"I'm home." I said as I walked in the room. Bella was sitting on the bed with her knees pulled to her chest and her head resting on them.

"Baby girl are you okay?" I asked coming and sitting next to her.

"Blake I'm pregnant." She told me. I pulled her into a hug smiling.

"That's great." I said pulling her onto my lap. She leaned her head on my chest.

"We're gonna have 4 kids." She said sounding concerned.

"We can handle it. I promise you. We've got a good home I've got a good job and we've got high quality babysitters aka our friends." I told her.

"I know what I wanna name the baby if it's a boy." She told me looking up at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Keegan Riley Gray." She smiled.

"I like that name. If it's a girl we should name her Kalyn Riley Gray." I told her.

"You want to name her after Weston's sister?" She questioned me cocking her eyebrow.

"Not spelled the same way his sisters name is spelled K-a-y-l-n-n
we would spell it K-a-l-y-n." I explained.

"Oh that's cute." She told me.

"Maybe they'll be twins." I said in hopes of it.

"If they were would you really let them have the same middle name?" She questioned.

"I think it'd be cute for them to have the same middle name like something they can have forever." I explained.

"Hmm good idea." She told me yawning.

"Go to sleep babygirl I know your tired we'll talk more tomorrow I'll take the day off and we can have a family day." I told her. She nodded her head and climbed off my lap laying down. I stood up from the bed taking off my shirt then changed into basketball shorts.

I climbed back in the bed next to her and pulled Bella close. She laid her head on my chest and we drifted off to sleep.

A/n:it's a shorter chapter in sorry. I've been really busy lately. Anywhore tell me what you think about Bella being pregnant again and what you think of the names. Love you all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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