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Jade's POV

I thought it would be fun to stay up all night and  watch horror movies while eating my fatass heart out.

My phone vibrated and I grab it to look at the notification.

unknown number : dont worry about it

This unknown number is messaging me at 3 in the morning. I don't know if I should be worried or reply.

me : ...

unknown number : whats up?

me : sorry, i didnt catch your name?

unknown number : its eth, and yours is jade?

This is getting really creepy, an unknown person named Eth knows my name and is messaging me at 3 in the morning.

me : howd you know my name creep

eth : oh baby, im not a creep trust me.

eth : am i keeping my poor angel awake? goodnight babie

I shut my phone off and continued to watch movies until i eventually passed out on the couch.


sorry short chapter :)

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