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     Adrian was pacing restlessly back and forth in the hallway outside of the infirmary, wringing his hands so tightly together that the tips of his fingers were going numb. Isabelle was leaning against the wall, but even though she didn't look it, Adrian knew she was just as nervous as Adrian was. The infirmary door was closed, keeping them from seeing whatever Magnus was doing to Alec to help heal him, but they could both see the flashing lights and sparks from the crack at the bottom of the door. Adrian couldn't place what it sounded like to him, but he didn't really want to think about it.

He just wanted Alec to be okay. That was all he prayed for, and if those sparks were helping him do that, he wasn't about to complain about the sound they were making.

Right as he was about to turn toward Isabelle and start talking aimlessly because of his nerves, the sounds coming from inside the infirmary stopped, and so did the sparks flying from below the door. Adrian and Isabelle held their breath as they heard Magnus walking toward the door, the heels of his boots against the marble floor loud in the sudden silence. When he walked out to greet them, he was casually dusting off his hands, like what he had just did was a piece of cake. He smiled when he saw them, but Adrian noticed the fatigue in his eyes. Adrian couldn't imagine how much power it took for him to heal Alec, and he was struck with the realization that he was probably standing in front of one of the most powerful warlocks of his time. He would have considered it an honor if he wasn't so distracted.

Isabelle didn't even care about that. She pushed off of the wall, approaching Magnus. "Is he okay?" she demanded, voice hard and cold as ice. The way it normally got when she had tight control over her emotions. Magnus arched an eyebrow at her tone, but answered anyway.

"It's fifty-fifty right now," he admitted with a small grimace. Adrian's heart jumped into his throat. When he noticed the alarmed looks on Isabelle and Adrian's faces, Magnus raised his hands in a calming gesture, though it actually did absolutely nothing to calm either of them. "But, if he's not convulsing on the floor in an hour, he'll be fine, with enough rest." That didn't really make Isabelle or Adrian feel any better about the situation either, and Magnus, seeing that, gave a small sigh and rolled his eyes. "Make sure he gets the rest, and drinks plenty of water. He lost a lot of blood." Adrian nodded, while Isabelle's eyes remained glued to the entrance of the infirmary, her face pale. She was afraid to go in there, to see her older brother so weak and helpless, but Adrian knew she would anyway. It was just the way Isabelle was.

"I will," Adrian assured, moving his gaze from Isabelle and back to Magnus. The warlock arched one of his perfect eyebrows again, and Adrian was struck with how beautiful he was. He didn't see the warlock the same way he saw Alec—he saw Alec as something out of this world, ethereal—but he was still beautiful, in a unique way that made Adrian feel a bit intimidated.

"I'm serious," Magnus said. If he noticed Adrian staring, he didn't make a comment on it, and Adrian quickly cleared his throat and looked away. "He seems like the stubborn type." At that, Adrian let out a soft scoff, eyes going to the infirmary doorway. He could just make out Alec's still form on one of the beds, a blanket already thrown over him.

"I'm stubborn, too," Adrian commented, eyes going back to Magnus. He flashed the warlock a smile. "I'll tie him to the bed if I have to." He didn't notice the innuendo until Magnus's lips curled up into an amused smirk. Adrian immediately felt his face catch fire, and he turned his face away, rubbing sheepishly at the back of his neck. He hadn't meant to make it sound like that, but he had a feeling Magnus already knew that and was planning to tease him about it regardless. When he noticed that Magnus was still staring, he shot him a small scowl, though he couldn't bring himself to form a glare. "What?"

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