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     They ended up calling two cabs, one for the Inquisitor, Maryse, and Robert, and the other for Isabelle and Adrian. Adrian had expected for Maryse to tell the driver Magnus's address, and was surprised when she told him an address upstate, in the country. Confused, Adrian shot Isabelle a questioning look, only for her to shrug. She didn't know where they were going either. It explained why they were going to get Jace. If he had left Magnus's apartment, then either Magnus dragged him along somewhere, or he had left without permission. Adrian's head hurt just thinking about it. Jace was still imprisoned, no matter how much everyone wished otherwise. It was easy to forget, after all, when Jace could walk around the apartment freely, without manacles around his wrists or ankles. During the ride, Isabelle decided to fill Adrian in on the things that had happened in the few short days he had decided to seclude himself from the world. It turned out that a lot of things could happen in just a few days.

Adrian wasn't sure how much time passed before the cab pulled to a stop in front of a long line of trees. Adrian followed Isabelle out, searching the edge of the forest until he spotted a dirt road. There was a sign there that said Three Arrows Farm, with faded flowers painted beneath the words. The sign was shaped in an arrow, pointing down the road. He peered down the road, pleased to see that he could see a house at the end, surrounded by mountains and more trees. Maryse told both the cabs to wait before she, Robert, and Imogen set off walking down the dirt road. Adrian and Isabelle followed behind them, and Adrian took in the farmhouse, smiling at the front porch, which had two white rocking chairs. Almost every inch of the porch was covered with flower pots, though the flowers looked like they had missed a drop of water or two. The land was much bigger than Adrian had originally thought; he saw that there were acres and acres of land stretching behind the farmhouse. He was sure there was a barn back there somewhere. He briefly wondered why there weren't any animals, but then noticed Luke's truck. This was a perfect place to turn into a werewolf. It was secluded, the land was spacious, there was a barn he could lock himself away in if there were humans around.

Adrian let out a soft sigh.

"I want to live in a place like this one day," he said to Isabelle as they walked down the pebbled walkway. Imogen, Robert, and Maryse seemed even more tense than before, but Adrian was relaxed. Isabelle was taking in their surroundings with awed eyes. It reminded both of them of Idris. While Adrian didn't care for the people who populated Idris, he could admit that their homeland was beautiful.

"Not the Institute?" Isabelle asked as her eyes raked over Luke's truck. Recognition flashed across her face, and then she let herself smile. They had both only met Luke a handful of times, but they had both liked him. He was so different from the adults they had been raised by. They both envied Clary because of him, though neither would admit that to anyone but each other.

"The Institute isn't a home," Adrian said, throwing an arm over her shoulders and pulling her into his side. She grinned and wrapped her arms around his waist, giving him a small squeeze. "It's a workplace. But this? This is a home." Isabelle looked over the space one more time before she gave a slow nod.

"You're right," she said, voice quiet. Her eyes were trained on the rocking chairs on the porch. "It'd be nice to sit out and just read, with nothing but quiet."

"Read what?" Adrian grinned. "One of your science books?" Isabelle sniffed and released Adrian, only to cross her arms over her chest.


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