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     At the Seelie Queen's words, a ringing started in Adrian's ears. He didn't understand. He had set the chalice on the cavern floor. He hadn't licked his fingers clean of anything like Clary had. His friends had gone completely still when the Seelie Queen said the words, and now all of them were either looking at the Seelie Queen, or looking at him. Alec was the only one who was moving. His kept turning, going from Adrian, to the Seelie Queen, and back again. He seemed just as bewildered as Adrian felt.

"What?" Alec finally demanded, his first words of the night. His voice seemed to shake everyone from their shock. Isabelle narrowed her eyes; her fist clenched, and then Adrian saw the tip of her whip slowly slide into the palm of her hand. She was ready to fight her way out with Adrian and Clary if she had to. Alec was still glaring at the Seelie Queen, and Jace was staring at her with narrowed eyes. He didn't even bother trying to hide his hatred for her. Simon and Clary were the only ones who weren't staring at the queen. Clary kept blinking, as if she thought she was having a dream. Adrian slid closer to her and grabbed her wrist, bringing her back to reality. Whatever game the Seelie Queen was about to play, she needed to be present for it. Simon just seemed lost. He was rolling his token between his fingers. Adrian saw it and then finally found his voice.

"No," he said, clenching his jaw to keep from shouting. He could see Isabelle's fingers twitching. The look she was giving the Seelie Queen showed him exactly who she was going to strike first if this turned into a fight. Adrian wasn't going to let that happen. If they fought their way out, there was no hiding where they had gone from the Institute, or the Clave. Adrian wasn't about to get thrown into prison—or worse, have his Marks stripped from him—just because the Seelie Queen liked toying with people. "I didn't eat or drink anything." The Seelie Queen raised a perfect eyebrow. She was smiling in amusement now. If Adrian hadn't hated her before, he did now.

"You kissed a member of my Court, did you not?" she asked expectantly, already knowing the answer. Everyone but Alec turned to stare at him. He ignored them all, his frustration growing.

"Yes, but—" He stopped, eyes going back to the token Simon was still nervously rolling between his fingers. He remembered Qwenndon slipping his tongue into his mouth and promptly let out a curse, his voice reverberating around the cavern. He had thought Qwenndon was just toying with him, but it seemed he had an ulterior motive the entire time. Of course. He was friends with many kind, if mischievous, members of the Seelie Court. Why had Qwenndon's name been the only one he could think of? He reached up and rubbed at his temples, ignoring the way the Seelie Queen grinned.

"Not every selfless deed earns you a reward, Adrian Dieudonne," she said. Adrian scowled and dropped his hands, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I can only assume you tricked us to consume something," he said, "because no one actually wants to stay here willingly." A muscle in her jaw twitched, the only sign that showed what he said had gotten to her.

"Adrian, what is she talking about?" Jace demanded, sounding frustrated. Adrian sighed and ran a hand through his hair, briefly closing his eyes in an attempt to soothe his sudden headache.

"In order to get that token for Simon—" He motioned toward the acorn in Simon's hand. "—I had to pay for it with a kiss. I guess something was on Qwenndon's tongue when he forced it into my mouth." Alec scowled and glanced away. Simon froze, guilt crossing his face. Adrian was in this position because he had been trying to keep him safe. Adrian opened his mouth to tell Simon that he would absolutely do it again, even now, but stopped when the Seelie Queen started speaking.

Smoke and Mirrors ▹ Alec Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now