Day 6 of 21

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Day 6 of 21- Today started off rocky. I usually sleep late, but here you can't sleep past 10. Breakfast was satisfying, but I've been craving a burger from SmashBurger all day. My mom called and I complained as much as I could in that short amount of time...she didn't take me seriously. I saw my cousins before they went back to Trinidad. They looked strange. My grandfather was gone half the day, therefore I was able to spend more time relaxing instead of worrying about what I could have possible done wrong. I did the usual, soap operas, nap, news, deal or no deal, beyond the tap, news, nap, wrestling, lifetime and here I am at 11 pm ready to sleep. 15 more days and I don't think I've ever been more excited to go home. Tornado watch in New York, I would've loved to see that...guess we can't get everything we want. Until Tomorrow.

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