Marichat- One Purr-fect day

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It was just an ordinary Saturday for the city of love but for Marinette and Chat it was special day, well for Chat anyway.

"C'mon Princess! Petting day remember?!" Persisted the black lad as the blunette sighed. "I know Chat since I lost the best, I should pet you every Saturday, but I can't right now. I have so many work to do, see?" She gestured to her desk which had been occupied by multiple rolls of cloth and notebooks.

"B-but.." He pouted. He was so excited for this day every week. Marinettes pets made him really purr which is why he really likes it. Marinettes gaze softened at his pouted figure. "F-fine.. C'mere k-kitty." Chat immediately went to her and laid down on her lap. She started nuzzling her hands in his neck, making him purr and also making herself giggle.

"Oh kitty.. Still adorable as always." She said petting his head. Chat leaned to her touch lovingly. After a few minutes Marinettes phone rang from her desk, Chat hissed at the sound, feeling disturbed. The blunette was about to stand up and get it but, "No stay here!" The cat themed superhero wailed out. "How about you come with me kitty eh?" Chat eagerly steppped out and nodded.

He sat on one of Mari's chaise's and her also. Whilst checking her phone she scratched his neck, to have him the reassurance that he's also checked on.

"Marinette! Come down and help us here at the bakery please!" Her maman called her from downstairs. The blue eyed was about to go down but Chat beat her to it. "NO!! Stay!!" He said rubbing his head in one of her legs. "Chat I need to go, for a while... Please kitty." She used her best puppy dog eyes, eyes that Chat couldn't resist.

"Go before I change my mind." He said not looking at her face that has victory plastered on it. "Have a yarn to play with kitty." She threw him a ball of black yarn, which he gladly accepted. He laid on his back and tried to balance the yarn with his 'claws'. Marinette giggled at his cat antics.

When she got back pulled and was forced to sit on Chats lap. "Now where were we Purrincess~." He said as he put Marinettes hand nuzzled it to his cheek. "O-oh yeah, of course." Dammit why am I stuttering! She thought and scratched his chin. She blushed lightly at their position but he doesnt look like he cares, in fact he was closing his eyes because of the pleasure, so she just went with it.

Whilst she was scratching his chin, she also petted his head. "Nyaa~" he leaned to her touch more, also making his head leaned closer to hers. He opened his lime green eyes to see bluebell ones that are close to his. He leaned in more to capture her soft lips, caught her off guard though, but kissed him back anyway. 'Oh the joy.' Chat thought.

' Chat thought

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