Chp. 1

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Liv: Come to my house, I have to tell you guys something. Also Brandon too.

Hunter - Brandon!
I ran to his room.

Brandon - What?!

Hunter - Liv just texted me to meet her at her house. She said, she has to tell us something? I don't know.

Brandon - okay?

Hunter - Well. Get ready!

I opened my closet, changed into my white hoodie and pants, and went downstairs. "Hey mom!"

Christine - Hey honey.

Hunter - Umm, can Brandon and I go to Liv's house?

Christine - Why?

Hunter - It's very important.

Christine - Okay? But comeback before.. 9pm! Remember last time?

Hunter - Yes, and it won't happen again.

Brandon ran downstairs. "I'm ready! Let's go!" I walked to the door.

Hunter - Love you mom! I waved.

Brandon - Love you mom!

Christine - Love you guys too!

We started walking to her house.

Brandon - I'm kind of worried, about what she needs to tell us.

Hunter - Me too.

Liv: Climb through my window! My parents are sleeping.

We arrived at her house. I started walking to the back. I looked back and saw Brandon going to the front door. "Brandon!" I whispered.

Brandon - What?!

Hunter - Liv said to climb through her window!

Brandon - Oh, well sorry. You didn't tell me before!

Brandon was following me from behind. I jumped up on the garbage disposals and on the second roof, where Liv's window was. I opened the window lightly and went in.

Liv - BOO!

Hunter - AHHH!
I fell down on the floor. Brandon and Liv were laughing.

We all heard footsteps and saw the hallway light turn on, under Liv's door.

Liv - Guys, hide!
She whispered.

She went under her covers. Brandon went in her closet and I quickly crawled under her bed. The door opened.


Liv - Hey dad!

He turned on the light and looked around while standing by the door.

Dad - Why is your window open, and what was all that yelling?

Liv - Oh, um. I just needed some air and then I accidentally stepped on something. That's why I yelled?

Dad - Okay... Well go to sleep!
He turns off the light and closes the door.

Liv - Goodnight dad!
I wave.

The boys get up. "That was close." I whispered. "Yea, it was." Brandon said closing my closet.

Brandon - Why are your parents sleeping around 6?

Liv - My parents get up at 3 am for work.

Hunter - So, what were you going to tell us?

Liv - Oh yea, sit down on my bed.
I sat on my desk.

Hunter - So.

Liv - I-I'm moving to New York next month.

Hunter - What?!

Brandon - Why?!

Liv - Well... You know how my dad, has his own company?

Brandon - Yea.

Liv - This random guy, my dad met wants him to do his company at New York. And that guy is paying him a lot of money to do it there.

Brandon - Why can't you just stay here?

Liv - Brandon. I can't. I'm forced to go. And yea, I was really upset and mad about this. But I still have to.

Hunter - What about us? Are you going to just leave us here?

Liv - I will never forget about you guys. You both are my only friends I have, that... truly understand me. And love me for who I am.

Hunter covers his face.

Liv - But!
He looks up.

Liv - I want to do something amazing with you guys.

Brandon - Like what?

Liv - Let's go on an adventure! Do something crazy. Something amazing. Something that I've been wanting to do in forever, with you guys... before I go.

Before I Go ~ Rowland BrothersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt